Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.
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2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report
Ministry of Education

Performance Reporting


The BC government is committed to the efficient use of public funds in order to ensure all students have opportunities to become accomplished in a range of essential academic and life skills.

The performance results presented in this report cover the goals, objectives and strategies from the Ministry of Education Service Plan 2002/03 – 2004/05 rolled up into two streamlined goals as reflected in the Ministry of Education Service Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06.

1. Improved student achievement.

2. A high quality performance-oriented education system.

Each year, the ministry collects, reviews and distributes a variety of data for accountability purposes and to support performance management. The collection of student enrolment data supports a population-based funding formula. The assignment of a unique identifier to each student, the Personal Education Number (PEN), is used to monitor student achievement and generate statistics about student movements and transitions between grades and schools. Performance data including breakout results for students with special needs, Aboriginal students and male and female students are also collected.

The ministry will always strive to improve all areas of student performance. It should also be noted that some measures included while under the sphere of influence of the ministry, are not entirely within ministry control as local school districts are responsible for the delivery of education programs. Rather than set arbitrary numbers, the target for performance measures is year-over-year improvement at the local school district level. Overall results are presented as provincial rates. When there is improvement at the district level, it will be reflected in the provincial rate.

Definitions of data sets are included as notes with the tables.

Goal 1: Improved Student Achievement

Performance Improved
No Change/Baseline
Performance Declined


  • Students complete K-12
  • Students demonstrate high quality academic and life skills capabilities

There are seven performance measures for Goal 1: Improved Student Achievement. These measures include equity group breakout results (special needs, Aboriginal, male and female). These are the same measures listed under Goal 4 of the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan; Goal 4 has been rolled up into Goal 1, however the measures remain the same.

Performance Highlights

Percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)

The overall results for Reading, Numeracy and Writing in grades 4, 7 and 10 show improvement.

School completion rate (percentage of students who start Grade 8 and graduate from Grade 12 within 6 years)

Overall results have improved since 1999/00.

= Percentage of Grade 12 students receiving scholarships

While the percentage was consistent, the number of students receiving scholarships increased.

Percentage of students making transitions to work and/or post-secondary education

The most current data available shows improvement in most categories

= Percentage of students in agreement with statements reflective of socially responsible behaviour

The 2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys and 2002/03 will be the baseline for collection of some equity group survey data.

Grade 8-9 transition rate

Overall rates were consistent 1999/00 – 2000/01 and increased marginally in 2001/02.

Percentage of students with "C" or better in Grade 12 courses

Communications grades decreased slightly in 2000/01. Communications, English and Principles of Math show overall improvement in 2001/02.

Opportunity for Improvement

Percentage of students making transitions to work and/or post-secondary education

Most recent data available shows that more students make the transition to work and/or post secondary, but slightly more are unemployed. Effort is needed to ensure that students are prepared for options other than university.

Percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)

Increased focus on literacy is important; Grade 10 had fewer students meeting or exceeding expectations in reading. The Grade 10 numeracy results also decreased slightly.

School completion rate (percentage of students who start Grade 8 and graduate from Grade 12 within 6 years)

The completion rate for Aboriginal students has improved over time; however, there is room for improvement. The ministry will continue to support and measure Aboriginal student performance as part of its efforts to increase equity in the education system.

Goal 1: Performance Measures


The target for all Goal 1 performance measures is year-over-year improvement at the district level.

Percentage of Students meeting or exceeding expectations on Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)

Core Business

Public and Independent Schools


To improve student performance in areas of intellectual development


Student performance remained consistent or improved in all categories for Grade 4, all categories for Grade 7 and one category for Grade 10.

Grade 10 Reading and Numeracy decreased from last year.

Public and Independent School FSA Results (%)
  1999/00 2000/01 2001/02
Grade 4
Reading 79 78 80
Numeracy 80 84 85
Writing N/A 91 94
Grade 7
Reading 81 76 76
Numeracy 80 81 82
Writing N/A 81 84
Grade 10
Reading 79 75 71
Numeracy 75 77 76
Writing N/A 86 87
Source: FSA Highlights TREND_OVER_TIME\>PROP\>V7.CSV
1 FSA provides a snapshot of public school student performance on Foundation Skills Assessments.
2 There are not yet sufficient years of data to establish a trend in the results.
3 2000/01 results are the baseline for future assessments of writing as the test was modified.

School Completion Rate

Core Business:

Public and Independent Schools


To improve student performance in intellectual development

To improve student performance in and career development


High school completion rate has increased slightly over the past two years under the Liberal government.

Completion rate is our single most important indicator of student achievement.


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Public and Independent School Completion Rate.

Source: Ministry of Education, RDDA
1 The proportion of students who graduate with a Dogwood Diploma within six years of starting Grade 8 for the first time in a BC public or independent school.
2 Includes migrants to BC who would have been in Grade 8 in the base year and is adjusted for out-migration.

Grade 8-9 Transition Rate

Core Business:

Public and Independent Schools


To improve student performance in intellectual development

To improve student performance in career development


The majority of BC students make the transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9.

Public and Independent School Grade 8-9 Transition Rate.

Source: School Performance Report — Provincial Summary
1 Represents non-repeating Grade 8 students who have entered Grade 9 or higher in the next school year.
2 Data is not adjusted for out-migration (students who left BC between grades 8 and 9).

Percentage of Students with "C" or better in Grade 12 Courses

Percentage of Grade 12 Students receiving Scholarships

Core Business:

Public and Independent Schools


To improve student performance in areas of intellectual development


BC students improved in all three subject areas this year over last year.

More BC students received scholarships this year.

Public and Independent Grade 12 Student Performance
  1999/00 2000/01 2001/02
C or better in Grade 12 Courses (%)
Communications 72 69 75
English 78 80 81
Principles of Math 76 79 80
Scholarships for Grade 12 Students
Receiving Scholarships (%) 10 11 11
Receiving Scholarships (Number) 4, 222 4,651 4,677
Source: Key Information Summary TRAX1274D
1 Data includes students who received the final letter grade of C, C+, B and A
2 Awards earned include students in group 1 and 2 independent schools.

Percentage of Students making transitions to work and/or post secondary

Core Business:

Public and Independent Schools


To improve student performance in areas of career development


The percentage of students making the transition to university is consistent or increasing in most categories.

Economic conditions such as the provincial unemployment rate will affect the number of students who make the transition to work.

This year, the ministry consulted with the education partners to recommend changes to the graduation requirements. The proposed changes will provide more options for students after high school, and will help them develop life skills necessary to compete in our global economy.

Transitions to Work and/or Post Secondary (%)
  1999/00 2000/01 2001/02
Applied 28 27
Qualified 24 25
Admitted 21 22
Register 16 16
19 year-olds employed full-time 31 29
Graduates Transition Survey
Attending full-time 52 52 53
Attending part-time 5 5 8
Working 38 38 33
Unemployed looking for work 2 1
Unemployed not looking for work 1 1 2
Other 2 4 3
Source: Ministry of Education, RDDA
1 2001/02 data for university not available at time of printing.
2 Simple random sampling includes both public and independent students.
3 In 2001 1,250 graduates contacted, 2002, 903 were contacted. Sampling error 19 times out of 20 was 3% in 2001 and 3.3% in 2002.

Percentage of students in agreement with statements reflective of socially responsible behaviour

Core Business:

Public Schools


To improve student performance in areas of human and social development


2001/02 was the baseline for the Satisfaction Surveys. Future surveys will have more questions on human and social development and some equity group data.

Effort is required to make the survey meaningful to students in grades 10 and 12, who may not understand it to be of value.

Public School Students in Agreement with Statements Reflective of Socially Responsible Behaviour (%)
Grade 4 79
Grade 7 59
Grade 10 25
Grade 12 27
1 2001/02 was the baseline for the Satisfaction Surveys. See Goal 2 for more survey data.
2 Base measures are provincial averages taken from 2001/02 Satisfaction Survey Report. These data are for the 2001/02 school year. For participation rates see the provincial report online:


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Goal 2: A High Quality Performance-oriented Education System

Performance Improved
= No Change/Baseline
Performance Declined


  • Access to quality education for all students
  • Learning choices for students and parents
  • Evidence-based goals are used to improve achievement
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness throughout the system

There were originally sixteen performance measures for Goal 2 — A high quality performance-oriented education system. These include those relevant measures from former Goal 3 of the same name. Six measures have been discontinued (see the table on page 17) and for several measures, 2002/03 was the baseline:

Performance Highlights

= Percentage of parents who report they can play a meaningful role in their children's school

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys.

= Percentage of students that feel their school is helping improve their computer skills

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys.

= Percentage of education partners who report that the funding system is understandable, transparent and comprehensive

2002/03 was the baseline for data collection.

= Proportion of buildings with life expectancy under 10 years

Ministry is on target of 15% or fewer.

= Proportion of curriculum documents older than 5 years

This measure has been reworked as the role of the ministry in curriculum development has been reviewed. Provincially approved curricula will undergo a review for relevance and currency within eight years of the implementation date (by subject area).

= Percentage of students satisfied with their school and education

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys.

= Percentage of parents satisfied with their child's school and education

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys.

= Percentage of school staff satisfied with their school

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys.

= Number of visits to ministry Web site

2002/03 school year was the baseline for data collection.

= BC's standing on national and international assessments

BC performed at the same level as Canada as a whole in three areas of (SAIP) 2001 Mathematics III.

Opportunity for Improvement

= BC's standing on national and international assessments

In one assessment area, Math problem solving — 13 year-olds, BC performed at a level statistically below Canada as a whole.

= Percentage of students satisfied with their school and education

Although 2001/02 was the baseline for the Satisfaction Surveys, effort can be made to improve the Grade 12 participation rate.

= Percentage of students that feel their school is helping improve their computer skills

2001/02 school year was the baseline for Satisfaction Surveys and this question has been reworked for future surveys based on feedback from education partners.

Goal 2: Performance Measures


The target for Goal 2 performance measures is year-over-year improvement at the district level.

Note: Many of the performance measures for Goal 2 are from the Satisfaction Survey and are therefore presented together here.

Core Business:

Public Schools


To establish the infrastructure needed to focus the education system on student achievement

To build a performance-oriented culture within each school district

To improve and maintain student, parent and teacher support for the K-12 education system

Percentage of parents who report they can play a meaningful role in their children's school

Parents who Report they can Play a Meaningful Role in their Children's School (%)
Elementary 48
Secondary 35

Percentage of students that feel their school is helping improve their computer skills

This measure has been revised and 2002/03 will be the baseline.

Percentage of education partners who report that the funding system is understandable, transparent and comprehensive

2002/03 is the baseline for this measure. The new population-based multi-year funding formula was introduced in legislation in 2002.

Percentage of students satisfied with their school and education

Students Satisfied with their School and Education (%)
Grade 4 79
Grade 7 70
Grade 10 49
Grade 12 48


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Percentage of parents satisfied with their child's school and education
Percentage of school staff satisfied with their school

Parents and Staff Satisfied with their (or their Child's) School and Education (%)
Elementary 65
Secondary 53
Staff 82
Source: Satisfaction Survey Report 2002
Base measures are provincial averages taken from 2001/02 Satisfaction Survey Report. These data are for the 2001/02 school year. For participation rates see the provincial report online:


For the first time ever, BC students, parents, teachers and staff were surveyed about how satisfied they are with the education system. The Satisfaction Surveys will be an annual measure.

Proportion of curriculum documents older than 5 years

Core Business:

Public Schools


To establish the infrastructure needed to focus the education system on student achievement


This measure has been reworked as the role of the ministry in curriculum development has been reviewed. Provincial curricula will undergo a review for relevance and currency within eight years of the implementation date (by subject area).

Proportion of buildings with life expectancy under 10 years

Core Business:

Public Schools


To establish the infrastructure needed to focus the education system on student achievement


The ministry provides capital funding to school boards for public schools. Local school boards set capital project priorities for school districts.

Demographics affect the capital planning cycle. Currently many districts are facing declining enrolment. Data show that there are more students in senior grades than there are primary grades. This is projected to continue for several years.

Proportion of Buildings with Life Expectancy
under 10 Years (%)
2000/01 2001/02
14 >15
Source: School Funding and Allocation
1 Future service plans set a target of fewer than 15 per cent of all buildings to have a life expectancy of less than 10 years.

Number of visits to ministry website

Core Business:

Public Schools and Independent Schools


To improve and maintain student, parent and teacher support for the K-12 education system


2001/02 was the baseline and the target is to increase the number of visitor sessions by one million in the following year.

The ministry continues to provide performance data and reports electronically. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, researchers and staff use the ministry's Internet site.

Number of Visits to Website
2001/02 2002/03 Target
7,953,000 Increase of 1,000,000
Source: Web Reports 2002
1 Base measures are taken from Web reports and indicate data for the 2001/02 school year.

BC's standing on national and international assessments

Core Business:

Public and Independent Schools


To perform at a high level in comparison to other jurisdictions (in future service plans this objective moves to support Goal 1).


BC students perform well on national and international assessments.

These assessments provide another snapshot of student performance.

1999/00 2000/01
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000

No jurisdiction out-performed BC in reading or science.

Only Alberta, Japan, Korea and Quebec performed better than BC in math.

School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) 2001 Mathematics III

School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) 2001 Mathematics III assessment: the results indicated that BC students perform at a level statistically the same as Canada as a whole in the following three assessment areas: 1. Math content — 13 year-olds

2. Math content — 16 year-olds

3. Math problem solving — 16 year-olds

In only one assessment area, Math problem solving — 13 year-olds, BC performed at a level statistically below Canada as a whole.

Source: PISA 2000, SAIP 2001 reports
1 For more information on PISA:
2 For more information on SAIP:
3 There is no assessment data available for 2001/02 at the time of printing.


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