• Review and decide applications for inclusion, exclusion,
non-farm use and subdivision under the Agricultural Land
Reserve Act (now the Agricultural Land Commission
Act) using the best available information, including
site visits and meetings with applicants where possible.
• To reduce the amount of suitable agricultural land
excluded from the ALR or alienated by incompatible development.
• Review the agricultural suitability of lands within
the ALR as needed in response to improved information, planning
reviews and land use trends
• Improve agriculture and the suitability of lands
for agriculture by negotiating, where appropriate, compensating
benefits for agriculture if lands are removed from the ALR
or converted to a non-farm use or subdivided.
• Monitor the impact of Commission decisions, policies
and uses permitted under the Act and regulations on agriculture
and the suitability of lands for agriculture.
• Establish guidelines for Official Community Plans
that address the provincial interest in agricultural land
preservation and criteria for auditing plans, as part of
a modified results-based approach to planning for the ALR
and as a basis for delegation.
• Participate in treaty settlement negotiations that
involve the selection by First Nations of lands designated