Section A: Forests and Range — Continued

Resource Summary

The Ministry of Forests and Range estimates for 2006/07 are $723.814 million. Funding for the ministry is provided in the Ministry Operations Vote and the Direct Fire Vote of the legislature and three special accounts (BC Timber Sales, the Forest Stand Management Fund (FSMF) and the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account (SMFRA)). The SMFRA expenditures are under the oversight of a joint federal — provincial management committee. Forest Investment expenditures are overseen by a Forest Investment Council.

Ministry Goal Funding Source
(Vote or Special Account)
Core Business
Forest and Range
• Direct Fire • Protection Against Fire and Pests
• Ministry Operations Vote • Protection Against Fire and Pests

• Forest Stewardship

• Range Stewardship and Grazing

• Compliance and Enforcement

• Forest Investment

• FSMF (special account) • Forest Stewardship
• SMFRA (special account) • Forest Stewardship
Forest and Range
• Ministry Operations Vote • Pricing and Selling Timber
• BC Timber Sales (special account) • BC Timber Sales
Highly Effective
Innovative and
• inistry Operations Vote • Executive and Support Services
Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 127,438 118,654 116,554 102,552
Forest Stewardship 89,195 96,707 80,258 103,425
Range Stewardship and Grazing 5,048 6,506 6,602 4,601
Compliance and Enforcement 25,609 25,876 25,876 25,876
Forest Investment 89,000 121,055 126,055 126,055
Pricing and Selling Timber 119,576 136,868 140,763 132,920
Executive and Support Services 48,542 49,048 49,053 48,349
BC Timber Sales 148,395 169,100 193,100 202,000
Total 652,803 723,814 738,261 745,778
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 684 718 718 713
Forest Stewardship 364 414 416 406
Range Stewardship and Grazing 46 49 49 47
Compliance and Enforcement 292 292 292 292
Forest Investment 57 62 62 62
Pricing and Selling Timber 733 831 846 860
Executive and Support Services 527 583 583 572
BC Timber Sales 574 610 610 610
Total 3,277 3,559 3,576 3,562
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Protection Against Fire and Pests 3,360 2,478 2,397 2,397
Forest Stewardship 5,307 3,782 3,369 2,882
Range Stewardship and Grazing 6 6 7 7
Compliance and Enforcement 1,911 1,548 1,548 1,548
Forest Investment 0 0 0 0
Pricing and Selling Timber 3,848 4,476 4,179 3,864
Executive and Support Services 7,698 6,561 5,671 5,672
BC Timber Sales 990 801 801 801
Total 23,120 19,652 17,972 17,171
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
BCTS Disbursement 83,798 63,400 41,300 33,400
Total Disbursements 83,798 63,400 41,300 33,400

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.

Explanations and Comments

The Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan is supported by:

  • Provincial funding that began in 2004/05 and will continue to address the increased tenure administration associated with an increased allowable annual cut and the salvage of the timber.
  • Federal funding from the Mountain Pine Beetle Emergency Response: Canada-B.C. Implementation Strategy of $100 million over three years starting in 2005/06.

Provincial and federal funding is part of the Protection against Fire and Pests, Forest Stewardship, Range Stewardship and Grazing, Pricing and Selling Timber and Executive and Support Services Core Businesses.

Funding for the Forests for Tomorrow initiative to address reforestation of areas impacted by wildfire and Mountain Pine Beetle, began in 2004/05 and increases annually until 2008/09. It is included in the Forest Stewardship Core Business.

Funding for inventory staff transferred to the Ministry in 2005/06 is included in the Forest Stewardship Core Business, starting in 2006/07.

Ministry Expenses by Goal

Ministry Expenses by Goal.

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