Section A: Forests and Range — Continued

Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Regulatory Reform

The Ministry of Forests and Range will contribute to the goal of ensuring that the provincial regulatory framework maintains the reduction in the number of regulations achieved between 2001 and 2004. The Ministry of Forests and Range will continue to review legislation over the next three years to look for further regulatory reform opportunities while targeting a 0 per cent net increase in regulation through 2008/09. For example, the ministry will continue to refine legislation to ensure full implementation of both the results-based code (Forest and Range Practices Act) and the Forestry Revitalization Plan.

Information Resource Management Plan

The ministry Information Resource Management Plan overview is available on the ministry website at:

Citizen-Centred Service Delivery

A new government initiative, Front Counter BC, involves all the natural resource ministries (MAL/ILMB, MFR, MoE, MOT and MEMPR), and seeks to provide one point of contact for the public and clients in all 8 major regions in the province. This coordinated initiative should make it easier for the public to find the right land-based information more efficiently. The front counters are expected to be open for business by March 31, 2006.

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