Ministry Overview
Purpose of Ministry
As part of a government-wide reorganization in 2005, the Ministry of Environment was re-established and redefined. The ministry assumed responsibilities from the former Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection and some of the functions from the former Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management/Land and Water BC (e.g., Water Stewardship, Conservation Data Centre), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (e.g., Marine Fisheries). The Environmental Assessment Office also became a responsibility of the Minister of Environment.
The ministry provides leadership in environmental management through innovative legislation and programs, compliance activities and shared stewardship initiatives. The mandate of the ministry is to protect human health and safety, and maintain and restore the diversity of native species, ecosystems and habitats. Through partnerships across government, and with First Nations, the private sector and communities, we work to enhance the protection and stewardship of water and air resources, advance sustainable use of environmental resources, and provide exceptional outdoor park and wildlife services and opportunities.
Our programs and services are delivered through six core business areas, seven divisions and more than 1,300 skilled and experienced staff located in all regions of the province. We participate in cross-government initiatives with partners such as, but not limited to, Ministry of Forests and Range, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Our relationships with these partners are crucial to our success in delivering our mandate. The ministry continues to build effective relationships with other government bodies, First Nations, industries, associations, communities and environmental groups. Our clients are all citizens of British Columbia, and include our staff — we serve them in their communities, in their businesses and in their workplace.
Legislative Mandate
Legislation is the foundation upon which government delivers its programs and services. Significant legislation that drives the ministry’s mission and programs includes:
• | the Environmental Assessment Act | • | the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act |
• | the Environmental Management Act | • | the Water Act |
• | the Integrated Pest Management Act | • | the Wildlife Act |
• | the Park Act |
For a complete list of legislation administered by the ministry, see Appendix 1.
Vision, Mission and Values
To reflect its broader mandate and increased responsibilities, the ministry has refocused its vision, mission and values.
A clean, healthy and naturally diverse environment.
Lead, inform, involve and support British Columbians to achieve the best environmental stewardship and sustainability.
We believe in working with our clients, each other and our partners in a way that reflects:
- Service — We provide service that is responsive, adaptive and based on client needs.
- Objectivity — We perform our work in a professional manner that promotes an objective approach to environmental management.
- Integrity — We act in a truthful, ethical and transparent manner.
- Excellence — We encourage innovation, creative solutions and a culture of continuous learning.
- Accountability — We are efficient and effective in our work and accountable to the Legislature and the public for results.
- Wellness — We believe in a working environment that promotes health and well-being, and allows staff to achieve their highest potential.