Appendix 1
Legislation Administered by the Ministry of Environment
The following legislation, in alphabetical order, is currently administered by the Ministry of Environment:6
Beaver Lodge Lands Trust Renewal Act
Commercial River Rafting Safety Act (only some sections relating to safety inspections and enforcement remain in force)
Creston Valley Wildlife Act
Dike Maintenance Act
Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act
Ecological Reserve Act
Environmental Assessment Act
Environmental Management Act
Fish Protection Act
Hunting and Fishing Heritage Act
Industrial Operation Compensation Act
Integrated Pest Management Act
Land Title Act (s. 219 only, insofar as it relates to the Portfolio of the Minister)
Ministry of Environment Act (all except s. 4 (2) (d))
Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act (ss. 3 (3), 5 (b), 6, insofar as they relate to the portfolio of the minister)
Okanagan River Boundaries Settlement Act
Park Act
Protected Areas of British Columbia Act
Skagit Environmental Enhancement Act
Sustainable Environment Fund Act
Water Act
Water Protection Act
Water Utility Act
Wildlife Act
6 | Citations for all Acts and regulations are to the most recent or original versions. Readers are strongly advised to confirm the currency of legislation with appropriate legal research before relying upon these citations as they are frequently amended and are subject to change without notice. |