Core Business Areas

Ministry Operations

The ministry relies on its four core business areas to implement its strategic direction and achieve its goals and objectives.

1. Child and Family Development

This core business area provides a range of services for children, youth and their families to maintain and improve the safety and well-being of vulnerable children and youth in B.C. It includes: child protection; residential; guardianship; foster care; permanency and adoption planning for children permanently in care; and services to strengthen and preserve families. It also includes community child and youth mental health services; community youth justice supervision services; and services to assist youth who are at-risk or who are sexually exploited. [2006/07: Budget: $627,337,000 and 2,939 FTEs]

2. Early Childhood Development, Child Care and Supports to Children with Special Needs

This core business area is responsible for early childhood development, child care services and services for children and youth with special needs and their families. The goal of these services is to support children and youth to achieve their full potential. Early childhood development includes services and initiatives to meet the diverse needs of children from birth up to six years of age. Child care services are designed to allow families to choose from a range of available, affordable, safe, quality child care options that meet their diverse needs and support healthy child development. This core business area also includes developmental and support services for children and youth with special needs, such as services and funding for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and early intervention services. [2006/07: Budget: $531,548,000 and 275 FTEs]

3. Provincial Services

This core business area provides for the administration of specialized provincial services for children and youth, such as youth custody centres, treatment programs for psychiatrically ill or conduct-disordered adolescents, services for the deaf and hard of hearing, and migrant services. This area is also responsible for the planning and monitoring of the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan. [2006/07: Budget: $54,272,000 and 621 FTEs]

4. Executive and Support Services

This core business area provides overall advice, direction, leadership and support to ministry programs. This includes overarching policy and legislative support, intergovernmental relations, audit, staff development, performance management and related research functions, administrative and financial support and guidance. [2006/07: Budget: $20,869,000 and 227 FTEs]

Community Living Services

In addition to overall responsibility for the ministry, the Minister is responsible for supporting Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) to achieve its mandate to provide and improve upon services to adults and children with developmental disabilities. Resource allocations for 2006/07 include:

  • Ministry Services — Community Living Funding for the Office of the Advocate for Service Quality and general support and advice to the Minister regarding CLBC-related responsibilities.
  • Transfers to Community Living British Columbia Funding transfers to CLBC for the governance, management, operations and delivery of services and supports to adults and children with developmental disabilities.

Further Ministry Information:

Further information regarding ministry services, locations and related legislation is available on the ministry website at:

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