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Ministry of Small Business and Revenue  

September Update
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Strategic Context

Vision, Mission and Values

The vision and mission statements of the Ministry of Small Business and Revenue reflect the key components of the ministry's mandate.


The ministry's vision is to foster the economic and social prosperity of British Columbians through small business growth, a responsive regulatory system and excellence in our customer service.


The ministry's mission is:

  • To promote small business growth by working in partnership with British Columbians.
  • To streamline and simplify the regulatory system to stimulate business growth and investment, and eliminate barriers for small business and individuals.
  • To provide fair, efficient and equitable revenue management that supports programs and services for British Columbians.


The ministry's values guide the organization and its employees in conducting the business of the ministry and achieving ministry goals. The ministry's values, reflected in the ministry's Taxpayer Fairness and Service Code, demonstrate the ministry's commitment to working partnerships, high quality customer service, streamlining and simplifying its business processes and improving the way the ministry interacts with customers. The following demonstrates how the ministry ensures its core values are carried into its daily operations.

Values Philosophy
Accountability • We provide leadership and set high expectations.
• We measure and report on our performance at all levels of the ministry.
Quality Service • We are committed to excellence and serving the public interest.
• We are accessible and responsive to our customers.
• We ensure our activities add value.
Cooperation • We build and support partnerships with key customers.
• We work with, listen to and consult with groups within and outside government and stakeholders to achieve our results.
Innovation • We seek and implement new ways of doing business and explore new technologies.
• We simplify our processes and activities.
Integrity • We behave with integrity toward customers and protect their confidential information.
• We respect and trust our colleagues.
Professionalism • We promote teamwork and communication.
• We recognize and celebrate achievement.
• We pursue learning opportunities and promote personal growth.

Planning Context and Key Strategic Issues

The ministry has developed its Service Plan within the context of both internal and external factors that affect the ministry's ability to meet its goals and objectives. These include its capacity to deliver on its mandate, the strength of the provincial economy, the requirements of its clients within government, and its relationship with its customers in the general public.

The following section provides an overview of the context that guides the ministry's strategic planning and response to these opportunities and challenges.

Ministry Capacity

The ability of the ministry to meet its goals hinges on its capacity to deliver its products and services. To be successful the ministry must maintain efficient and effective business processes, attract and retain skilled and knowledgeable employees, and ensure employees have the necessary tools to do their jobs. Loss of skilled employees poses a key risk to the ministry. To mitigate this risk, the ministry is focusing on creating a culture of excellence and continuous learning that will encourage staff development and retention.

To enhance its business and service capacity, the ministry has entered into an alliance with EDS Advanced Solutions Inc. (EAS). This alliance will maximize private sector investment and expertise in order to improve, consolidate and streamline revenue management across government. A joint governance structure has been established to provide strategic direction and ensure the benefits of the alliance are realized.

Provincial Economy

The ministry administers revenues that are generated by the economic activity in the province. The strong economic growth experienced by the province presents the opportunity for increased revenue generation — new revenues, as well as increased revenue and debt collection through improved voluntary compliance. The revenue collected supports the provision of vital programs and services to British Columbians.

The health of the provincial economy also impacts positively on the business climate in the province. The British Columbia economy grew 3.9 per cent in 2004, leading all provinces in Canada. Continued strong economic growth will support a vibrant small business sector. The ministry will identify and implement initiatives that contribute to, and support this strong economic environment. This includes changes to the provincial tax structure, reducing regulatory burden, improving regulatory quality, and improving customer service.

Client Requirements

The ministry works with a wide variety of clients. It collects revenues on behalf of ministries, agencies, local governments and local service areas. These clients make policy decisions that can impact ministry activities and the revenue the ministry administers. The ministry must remain flexible to adapt to changing rules and consequent changes in the collectability of accounts receivable, and ensure ongoing collaboration with its clients to provide informed feedback regarding legislative or policy changes which could impact revenues. At all times, the ministry must ensure its mandate to maximize revenues and collections is complementary to the goals and objectives of clients' programs.

Customer Expectations

British Columbians expect that their government will provide high quality customer service, easy access to information, and will engage in mutually beneficial, collaborative relationships. The ministry has and will continue to implement initiatives that respond to these expectations. This includes the continuation of the ministry's forum for stakeholders' and taxpayers' input into taxation issues. The ministry will also establish a Small Business Roundtable to gather ongoing advice on how to help make British Columbia the most business friendly and customer-centered jurisdiction in Canada.

In addition, the ministry has made commitments to fairness and service quality, reflected in the Taxpayer Fairness and Service Code, which will support a positive relationship with British Columbians. The next step is to work with small business organizations to define the service standards they can expect when dealing with the ministry. The ministry will monitor its performance and report on its success in meeting these standards.

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