2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE Ministry of Health
Message from the Minister and
Accountability Statement
I am pleased to present the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005 for the Ministry of Health.
As government embarks on our new mandate, the Ministry of Health will continue to focus on delivering a modern health system
that meets the needs of British Columbians. We will build on the strong foundation set by health system reforms over the past
four years, and continue to work with B.C.'s health authorities and thousands of dedicated health professionals to provide
quality services and supports across the continuum of health care.
Over the next four years, health care will be guided by our government's Five Great Goals for a Golden Decade, which emphasize
literacy, health and wellness, support for children and adults with special needs, and services for seniors. Our vision of
a modern health system is one that supports British Columbians across their life span, whether they need support to stay healthy,
get better from an illness or injury, live with and manage a chronic disease or disability, or cope with the end of life.
This service plan lays out the ministry's strategic focus over the next three years. Through the ActNow BC initiative we will
work with all ministries to support people to make healthy lifestyle choices, and through enhanced prevention programs we
will assist in keeping preventable illness at bay. When citizens do need health care, we will provide timely access to needed
services, treat illnesses according to evidence-based best practice, and integrate services and providers to help make the
health system less complicated and stressful for patients. And for the end of life, we will enhance palliative care options
to better meet the needs of patients and their families.
We will also continue to improve efficiency and sustainability in the public system by providing strong and focused leadership,
utilizing new technology and information systems, and ensuring we have the appropriate mix and number of health professionals
to deliver high quality services today and in the future. And we will continue to make strategic investments in our health
system infrastructure to ensure the health system has the capacity to meet the population's health needs. Our capital projects
will include building 5,000 new residential care, assisted living and supportive housing beds for seniors by 2008, and expanding
facilities providing services to residents of Surrey where the pressure of population growth is the highest in the province.
The Ministry of Health 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005 was prepared under my direction in accordance
with the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act. I am accountable for the basis on which the plan has been prepared. All material fiscal assumptions and policy decisions
as of August 31, 2005 have been considered in preparing the plan and I am accountable for achieving the specific objectives
in the plan.
Honourable George Abbott
Minister of Health
September 6, 2005