2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE
Ministry of Forests and Range and
Minister Responsible for Housing
Section A: Forests and Range — Continued
Ministry Organization Structure
The Ministry of Forests and Range has a decentralized structure (see Figure above), with the majority of staff in field offices
in close proximity to the forests they protect and manage and the clients and communities they serve. The Operations division
of the ministry consists of three forest region offices with 29 forest district offices, 4 satellite offices; and 6 fire centers,
35 zone offices, 59 fire attack bases and 18 air tanker bases. Staff in Operations division are involved in all core business
areas except BC Timber Sales. BC Timber Sales includes 12 BC Timber Sales offices with 19 field team locations.
The Victoria headquarters staff are organized as follows: Corporate Services division (previously called Corporate Policy
and Governance division), Operations division (including Fire Protection), Forest Stewardship division, Tenure and Revenue
division, and BC Timber Sales.
The Forest Stewardship Division includes staff in the Forest Practices Branch, Research Branch, Forest Analysis Branch and
the Tree Improvement Branch, which manages the Tree Seed center and five seed orchard facilities.
In the Tenure and Revenue Division are Economics and Trade, Revenue, Resource Tenures and Engineering, and Aboriginal Affairs
The Operations Division personnel in Victoria are the Compliance and Enforcement Branch and executive and support staff to
Fire Protection and Field Services staff.
Corporate Services Division, provide overall co-ordination of policy development and support services to the entire ministry
in the areas of financial services, human resources, information technology, and strategic policy and legislation development.