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September Update
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Message from the Minister and
Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Colin Hansen.Over the past four years, British Columbians have worked hard to rebuild our economy. The foundation for growth and opportunity is in place and over the next four years we have an opportunity to build on that strong foundation and bring prosperity to all British Columbians.

To achieve this, Government is focused on implementing and achieving the five great goals for the golden decade ahead. The Ministry of Economic Development is involved in pursuing all of these goals, but most specifically, will focus on the goals of making British Columbia the best educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent, and on creating more jobs per capita than anywhere else in Canada.

Our Ministry is also responsible for government's special focus on the Asia Pacific and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The Ministry will pursue strategies to make sure that all British Columbians benefit from these opportunities.

To achieve its goals, the Ministry will implement strategies to revitalize the economy and helps to create a more competitive business climate in British Columbia. Our strategies improve economic performance by increasing both the number of businesses in British Columbia and the number of people employed in those businesses. The Ministry also ensures venture capital is available for businesses across the province, which enables businesses to grow, expand and diversify. We will also work to develop a labour market policy and strategy so that businesses have access to people with the right skills at the right time.

The Ministry will continue to provide leadership to projects that are important to the future of our communities, that help set the stage for future economic performance, that maximize the economic benefits of immigration, and that ensure our products and services are marketed effectively to the global marketplace.

The Ministry of Economic Development 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005 was prepared under my direction in accordance with the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act. I am accountable for the basis on which the plan has been prepared. All material fiscal assumptions and policy decisions as of July 31, 2005 have been considered in preparing the plan and I am accountable for achieving the specific objectives in the plan.


Honourable Colin Hansen
Minister of Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the
Asia-Pacific Initiative and the Olympics

August 15, 2005

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