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Appendix 2: Glossary of Terms  

Ministry of Children and Family Development  

September Update
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B.C. Home  September Update - Budget 2005  Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results

This section presents the ministry's goals and outlines how specific objectives, strategies and performance measures are helping to achieve these goals. Brief descriptions are provided on some of the initiatives and activities the ministry will undertake to achieve its goals and objectives. Progress towards goals and objectives will be monitored and reported by performance measures. For each performance measure, baseline data are provided along with annual performance targets for the next three years.

Service plan performance measures will continue to develop over time as the ministry's needs, resources and priorities change and as new and better performance information becomes available. The ministry will be evaluating its performance measures to ensure they are meaningful and focus on the desired outcomes for the individuals receiving services.

The ministry continues to collect, monitor and make available additional statistics1 and report on service trends and outcomes associated with services provided to children and families.


Ministry Goals and their Linkage to the Five Great Goals

The following diagram displays the linkages between the Five Great Goals and the ministry's mission, goals, key objectives and performance measures. The ministry supports the Five Great Goals through its work in areas such as child protection, early childhood development, child and youth mental health, and child care, including services to children and youth with special needs.

Ministry Performance Plan Summary

Ministry Mission.

Goal 1:

Children and youth are healthy and safe in their families and communities.

Maintaining and improving the well-being and safety of children and youth are principal outcomes for the ministry. Research and experience confirms that this is best achieved in the context of family and community. The primary responsibility for protecting and supporting the positive growth and development of children and youth rests with families. Ministry services work to enhance the resiliency of children, youth and families. This is addressed by working with communities, individuals and families to build their capacity to support positive outcomes for children.

Despite everyone's best efforts some children experience negative factors that impact their well-being. Some develop serious mental health problems and some are sexually exploited or are at risk for other reasons. As it is in our common interest to see the children and youth of B.C. thrive, the ministry provides services to reduce risk and to prevent and reduce the effects of these conditions. We acknowledge that some children and youth lack safe, nurturing family relationships or engage in risky or criminal behavior. When these vulnerable children are placed in our care or custody, or are engaged with our services, the ministry takes appropriate responsibility for protecting and supporting their positive growth and development.

A goal of the child welfare system is a safe and nurturing home for all children who come to the attention of the ministry. The ministry seeks a permanent family home for all children who would otherwise remain in the care of the ministry until they reach adulthood.

Research and consultation with Aboriginal communities concerning the health and well-being of Aboriginal children, youth and families indicate that a strong cultural component in services yields improvements in health and well-being. The ministry is committed to increasing the cultural appropriateness of child and family services received by Aboriginal families.

Core Business Areas:

Child and Family Development, Provincial Services, Executive and Support Services.

Objective 1.1:

A comprehensive and responsive child welfare system that promotes safety, family continuity and permanency for children.

The ministry envisions a child welfare system that promotes safety, continuity and permanency. To support this direction, the ministry is providing more out-of-care options to keep children safe within their families and communities. "Out-of-care options" refer to alternative care arrangements with extended family or close friends for children at risk of abuse or neglect who are temporarily unable to live with their parents. Out-of-care placements build on family and community strengths and maintain the continuity of family and community relationships, contributing to better outcomes for the children, youth and families served. The ministry also works with a child's extended family and others to develop a plan to keep the child safe, and to support the continuity of family and community relationships for the child. When it is not possible for a child to live permanently with parents or extended family, the ministry seeks a home for the child through adoption or other permanent out-of-care options. Relationships with the child's natural family — and, in the case of an Aboriginal child, the Aboriginal community — continue to be supported by the ministry.

Key strategies include: supporting families to keep children at home safely; expanding planning options with families to provide increased opportunities for joint decision-making and increased involvement in care plans by family and community members; increasing the use of non-court processes such as family conferencing, alternate dispute resolution processes and mediation to resolve child-protection issues; helping children in care to develop and maintain permanent family and other life-long relationships; and greater use of out-of-care options.

Performance Measures:

One of the key elements of the child welfare system is attempting to place children with people who know them and will maintain a life-long relationship with them and their families when they return to their parents. The first measure reflects the service delivery direction to move from ministry care arrangements to care arrangements that support and recognize the importance of maintaining the continuity of family and community relationships for children.

"Family support services" (also known as "family development response") refers to supportive services provided to families that come to the attention of the ministry but whose children are not found to be in need of protective services. Family support services are intended to improve family functioning and prevent problems that might lead to a child welfare investigation and children coming into the care of the ministry. Services include counselling, referrals for substance misuse or mental health treatment and parenting education. Tracking the number of families provided with support services is an indication of how well the ministry is supporting families to continue to care for their children.

In the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan, the ministry will incorporate the federal/provincial/territorial Child Welfare National Outcome measures. Additional ministry statistics regarding child protection services can be found online at:

The key feature of permanency planning is seeking a permanent family home for all children who would otherwise remain in ministry care until they reach adulthood. The ministry made this a priority. Between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2005, 888 children in the care of the ministry were placed into permanent family homes. The number of adoptions of children who have been in the care of the ministry illustrates how many of these children now belong to a permanent family. The level of adoption activity has increased dramatically over the past three years. There were approximately 1,200 children registered for adoption and approximately 291 families with approved home studies as of March 31, 2005.

Number of children placed with extended family or in community as an alternative to coming into care. 668 675 700 740
Number of families referred to family support services. Baseline to be established in 2005/061 15% over baseline 5% over 2005/06
5% over 2006/07
Number of adoptions of children in care of the ministry. 308 300 300 300

1  New data collection requirements will allow for a more accurate count later in 2005/06.

Objective 1.2:

An increasingly culturally appropriate service delivery system for Aboriginal children and families.

In order to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children and families, the ministry is working to increase the cultural appropriateness of services provided to Aboriginal children and families in B.C. This includes services provided directly by the ministry and efforts to increase Aboriginal capacity for service delivery. As of April 1, 2005, 21 Aboriginal agencies have been "delegated" with the legal responsibility to provide child welfare services for children and families in their community. This strengthens community resources and makes culturally appropriate resources more accessible for Aboriginal children and their families. The ministry is also working with delegated Aboriginal agencies to increase the scope of services they provide. The ministry supports and consults with delegated Aboriginal agencies, assisting these agencies in meeting mandatory requirements under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act.

Key strategies include: developing new delegated Aboriginal agencies and expanding the scope of existing Aboriginal agencies; implementing initiatives to recruit and support Aboriginal foster and adoptive parents; increasing cultural awareness; hiring and retaining Aboriginal staff; and allocating funding from the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan for the development of Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health services delivered by Aboriginal agencies.

Performance Measures:

The per cent of Aboriginal children in care who are served by delegated Aboriginal agencies (rather than the ministry) is a measure of how many children are receiving culturally appropriate services.

Wherever possible, the ministry places Aboriginal children in its care with Aboriginal families, to maintain the child's connection with their cultural heritage, community and family. Measuring the per cent of Aboriginal children who are cared for by Aboriginal families is an indication of success in this approach.

Per cent of Aboriginal children in care who are served by delegated Aboriginal agencies. 30.7% 33%1 36% 39%
Per cent of Aboriginal children in care of the ministry who are cared for by Aboriginal families.2 To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06

1  The 2004/05 target from the 2004/05 service plan was not achieved. Consequently, the targets for 2005/06 and subsequent years have been revised.
2  The definition of this measure has been revised to include those Aboriginal children cared for by delegated Aboriginal agencies. Baseline and targets for the revised measure are to be determined in 2005/06.

Objective 1.3:

Enhanced services for specific child and youth populations, such as young offenders, children and youth at risk for or with mental disorders, and children and youth who are commercially sexually exploited.

The ministry is working to provide better services for specific child and youth populations, such as young offenders; children and youth at risk of, or suffering from, mental disorders; and children and youth who are commercially sexually exploited. The ministry continues to enhance services to children and youth through implementation of the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. MCFD will be strengthening services for commercially sexually exploited youth, with a view to introducing Safe Care legislation, as well as continuing to provide a broad range of community-based services for children and youth in conflict with the law.

Key strategies include: expanding community-based mental health treatment and support services; providing early intervention and support resources in schools to help children and youth develop healthy coping skills; implementing new services for youth who are commercially sexually exploited; and continuing to use innovative, non-custodial approaches like community-based alternatives to custody for youth in conflict with the law.

Performance Measures:

Monitoring and reporting on the rate of youth in custody is a standard measure across Canadian provinces and territories and indicates the use of one of the justice system's responses to youth crime.

Improved access, a primary focus of the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan, will support earlier identification and treatment of children and youth who are at risk of, or have, a mental disorder, thereby reducing the severity and consequences of mental health problems. The number of clients served by Child and Youth Mental Health Services measures access to services for this population. For more information on the plan, see the website at:

Rate of youth in custody based on a proportion of all 12-17 year olds (per 10,000).1 4.8 per 10,0001 Maximum 6
per 10,000
Maximum 6
per 10,000
Maximum 6
per 10,000
Number of children and youth served by Child and Youth Mental Health Services. New Measure Establish Baseline To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06

1  Restated figure based on data revisions.

Goal 2:

Children and youth, including those with special needs, are supported to achieve their full potential.

The ministry recognizes that the quality of care that children receive in the early years is critical to their success in school and in life. There are significant long-term benefits for individuals and society of supporting optimal early childhood development. All stages in life are significant, but research confirms that the period from conception to school age is particularly crucial to the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development of a child. In Canada, significant differences in developmental status exist among children by the time they enter school. Approximately one quarter of Canadian children enter school requiring further developmental support. Early childhood development programs encourage healthy and optimal development of children and lead to better outcomes for individuals, families and communities. The ministry is committed to developing and supporting initiatives that will increase the capacity of families and communities to support early childhood development. By working with our ministry partners and with the support of families, service providers and communities, young children will have every opportunity to thrive.

The Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) agreement with the federal government provides five years of federal funding to enhance early learning and child care in British Columbia in regulated settings for children under the age of six. Our commitment is to initiate and enhance programs, including quality child care options, in order to maximize children's growth and development and increase families' abilities to provide a safe, nurturing environment. Cross-ministry working partnerships and cooperation will be important to support this overall approach.

The ministry supports a broad range of services that assist children with special needs to live as fully and independently as possible within their homes and communities. The ministry provides intervention and support services for children and youth with special needs and their families, which range from infant development programs to nursing support services. Children with special needs may require intensive, specific intervention, on a short-term, periodic or long-term basis. Services and supports are intended to promote healthy development, maximize quality of life and assist families in their role as primary caregivers. Families of children with special needs have access to programs that are based on a family-centred approach and offer parents as much choice as possible.

Core Business Areas:

Early Childhood Development, Child Care and Supports to Children with Special Needs; and Executive and Support Services.

Objective 2.1:

Increased family and community capacity to support early childhood development.

The ministry provides a cross-ministry leadership role in planning and strengthening early childhood development services in B.C. in collaboration with other ministries including the Ministry of Health. MCFD is working to provide parents with the information they need about early childhood development and to increase service choice and flexibility. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, MCFD is planning an overall approach to early learning and literacy. These efforts will support government's goal to make B.C. the best educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent. By making strategic investments in early childhood development, children will have the foundation skills to thrive and succeed in life.

The ministry is committed to investing in community-based initiatives throughout the province that are supportive of the Five Great Goals and include a strong community investment focus. The enhancement of community resources through initiatives like Success by 6 helps to build community capacity, supports sustainable community partnerships and improves access to appropriate early childhood development services.

Key strategies include: building on existing services to support communities to integrate and enhance their early childhood development delivery systems that support and promote children's healthy growth, development and lifelong learning; and supporting Aboriginal communities to develop and implement early childhood strategies to meet their needs. The ministry is also working closely with the Ministries of Health and Education to improve screening, assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and support services for children with developmental, behavioural conditions.

Performance Measures:

One of the ministry's key efforts is to build capacity within Aboriginal communities to deliver culturally appropriate services, including those with an emphasis on early childhood and family development. The first measure reflects the ministry's commitment to providing and supporting initiatives and services that support the early childhood development needs of young Aboriginal children and their families. The second measure relates to the government and ministry priorities for early childhood development services that support children's readiness to learn. British Columbia is the first jurisdiction to track this measure at a provincial level. Provincial baseline data from 2004/05 show that 75 per cent of kindergarten students are "ready to learn." However this indicates that 25 per cent of B.C. kindergarten children are vulnerable in one or more developmental areas. Progress regarding this measure will be reported in the ministry's service plan report for 2007/08, as the provincial level assessment data for this measure is collected over a three-year period.

Number of Aboriginal initiatives that enhance early childhood development services for young Aboriginal children and their families. 86 90 95 100
Per cent of children who enter kindergarten "ready to learn". 75% N/A
(Data collected every three years)
(Data collected every three years)

Objective 2.2:

Accessible and quality child care.

Provincial child care investments focus on meeting the needs of families and increasing the quality of child care. Quality child care contributes to improved child development and increased school readiness. The ministry is responsible for taking a cross-ministry leadership role for child care services in the province. Under the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) bilateral agreement between the province and the federal government, the ministry will be developing and releasing an ELCC Action Plan for B.C.

Key strategies include: developing and implementing the ELCC Action Plan; investing federal dollars to increase funded, licensed child care spaces and support parents; improving the identification of community needs when targeting investments to provide low and moderate income families with increased access to child care; moving to a more efficient electronic child care subsidy administration system; and identifying opportunities for service improvements including increasing the quality of early childhood education and increasing the number of qualified early childhood educators.

Performance Measures:

The ministry is working to build a sustainable, accessible, safe, quality child care system by increasing child care resources. The number of funded licensed child care spaces available and the number of children whose families receive a child care subsidy are measures of accessibility regarding quality child care in B.C. Government support for child care spaces helps to make child care more affordable for parents. Funded licensed child care spaces are those that are funded under the child care operating funding program. The number of spaces receiving this funding is one indicator of government's support for child care service providers. The child care operating funding program is a voluntary program. Not all eligible providers apply for funding. Some child care arrangements are not eligible for funding (e.g., child minding services provided at shopping malls and ski hills).

Baseline and target numbers will be updated for the 2005/06 Annual Service Plan Report as the current information system is being redeveloped to improve the accuracy of the existing and future child care subsidy data.

Number of funded licensed child care spaces available.1 76,440 85,000 95,000 105,000
Number of children whose families receive a child care subsidy. 25,0822 27,500 33,000 40,000

1  Targets reflect anticipated ELCC funding.
2  The current baseline figure is subject to change as a result of ongoing improvements in data reporting systems.

Objective 2.3:

Increased access to early intervention and support services to assist families caring for children and youth with special needs.

The ministry provides services that include prevention, screening, assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and support services for children with developmental behavioural conditions including children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Over the next three years, MCFD will commit new resources to increase access and reduce waiting times for early intervention therapies, school-aged therapies, infant development programs, supported child development, respite services, supports for children with complex health needs and children with sensory impairments. The ministry is working collaboratively with the Ministries of Health and Education to improve the integration of services in B.C. for families of children and youth with special needs, including children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Key strategies include: increasing access and reducing waiting times for services and supports for children with special needs and their families; creating a range of appropriate and effective services and supports for children and youth with special needs and their families, taking into account developmental milestones and transitions; improving access to information about services; and improving cross-ministry planning and co-ordination for provincial and community-based services.

Performance Measures:

Supported Child Development (SCD) Services are provided to families for children with special needs to help them to attend community child care settings. There are two components to SCD: a consultation service and extra staff supports. Monitoring the time from when an individual support plan is completed and when services are requested to when a child begins receiving the extra staff supports, will help the ministry to assess how well we serve families and to determine how best to distribute resources.

Children with special needs receive significant benefits from early intervention services that promote physical, cognitive, social, emotional and communication skill development. An important component of the ministry's services to children with special needs is early intervention therapies: speech/language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Monitoring the time from when a family requests a therapy service to when they begin receiving an early intervention therapy service will help the ministry to measure access to these services.

Per cent of children under six with special needs and their families who receive supported child development services within three months of service request. New Measure Establish Baseline To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06
Per cent of children under six with special needs receiving an early intervention therapy within three months of service request. New Measure Establish Baseline To be determined in 2005/06 To be determined in 2005/06

Goal 3:

Adults with developmental disabilities, children, youth, and their families are served by effective, efficient and accountable community-based service delivery systems.

The ministry is committed to the development of authorities that will bring decisions regarding services closer to those who use them. The ministry believes adults with developmental disabilities, children, youth, and their families are best served through a community-based service delivery system. Safety, service quality and accountability are paramount considerations in developing effective, efficient service delivery systems.

In early 2005, MCFD and the Interim Authority for Community Living British Columbia (IA/CLBC) worked together to plan and implement a smooth transition of services. As a result, on July 1, 2005, the responsibility for adult community living services was transferred to Community Living British Columbia (CLBC).

The ministry is working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to establish regional Aboriginal authorities that will take over responsibility for services to Aboriginal children and families.

The ministry continues to make improvements to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services and service systems. This work requires strong partnerships and collaborative relationships with the ministry's stakeholders and community partners to achieve the service plan's goals and objectives. This includes improving contract management and financial practices with service providers. The ministry will continue to focus on improving the ministry's project management and monitoring and accountability systems, including quality assurance mechanisms such as accreditation, audits and reviews.

Core Business Areas:

Child and Family Development;
Early Childhood Development, Child Care and Supports to Children with Special Needs;
Provincial Services;
Executive and Support Services; and Adult Community Living Services.

Objective 3.1:

Creation of a provincial community living authority.

The ministry's move to community governance shifts the planning and management of programs and services closer to recipients and increases the ability of those programs to respond appropriately to individual needs. CLBC is accountable for the quality and effectiveness of services for adults with developmental disabilities and for the management of public funds. On July 1, 2005, the community living authority, CLBC, was established as a Crown agency in accordance with the legislation passed in October 2004 that provides for the authority and for its assumption of responsibility for service delivery.

Key strategies include developing accountability requirements and measures for the new provincial authority and supporting the ongoing development of CLBC.

Performance Measure:

CLBC is responsible for a service delivery system that meets strict accountability requirements for effectiveness, quality, efficiency and financial management. Performance measures will be determined by CLBC with the Minister's approval and will be included in CLBC's Service Plan. Progress towards these performance measures will be reported in CLBC's Annual Service Plan Report.

An authority established under legislation assumes responsibility for the delivery of some or all community living services. 0 CLBC established (accomplished July 1, 2005) Future performance measures and targets will be detailed in CLBC's Service Plan Future performance measures and targets will be detailed in CLBC's Service Plan

Objective 3.2:

Creation of regional authorities to oversee delivery of child and family services.

Implementation of regional authorities will focus first on the establishment of the Aboriginal authorities. The regional Aboriginal authorities, once established, will be accountable for the quality and effectiveness of services and the management of public funds. The authorities' responsibilities to individuals who require services, and to their broader communities, will be addressed as part of the accountability requirements placed on the authorities.

Key strategy: implementing a jointly developed plan to establish regional Aboriginal authorities.

Performance Measure:

The establishment of the regional Aboriginal authorities is expected to occur in 2006/07, followed by the regional authorities for non-Aboriginal child and family services in 2007/08. The authorities will be considered established when they assume responsibility under legislation for the delivery of some or all services. Authorities will be required to meet accountability requirements.

Number of regional authorities established under legislation that assume responsibility for delivery of child and family services. 0 0 5 regional Aboriginal authorities 5 Regional child and family services
(non-Aboriginal) authorities
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