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Ministry of Skills Development and Labour

Budget 2005 Home
B.C. Home  Budget 2005  Vision, Mission and Values

Vision, Mission and Values


A modern work environment for British Columbians that encourages innovation, rewards creative thinking and increases productivity. Employees and employers are treated fairly and equitably. A prosperous British Columbia where employers and employees have confidence in the future.


The mission of the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour is to create an employment environment with dynamic workplaces that meet the needs of workers, employers and unions. Vulnerable workers will be protected. The ministry will ensure that British Columbians have the tools they need to foster working relationships in safe and healthy workplaces. It will develop programs and legislation that contribute to provincial competitiveness and prosperity.


The following values underlie the goals established by the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour:

  1. Fairness — We seek fair and balanced workplaces in all sectors and will ensure that all related ministry decisions are made in a consistent, professional, fair and balanced manner.
  2. Competitiveness — We support a competitive business environment that attracts investment to British Columbia and retains our skilled employees.
  3. Respect — We will protect the most vulnerable employees in the province and ensure they are treated equitably, compassionately and respectfully.
  4. Simplicity — We will encourage small businesses to prosper through simple and streamlined processes.
  5. Responsiveness and Flexibility — We strive to be relevant and responsive to constantly changing workplaces and enhance timely decision-making.
  6. Accountability — We adhere to sound fiscal responsibility and management and the implementation of affordable public policies.
  7. Teamwork — We value the hard work and expertise of all ministry employees.


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