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Ministry of Provincial Revenue  

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Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

The Ministry of Provincial Revenue provides a central service to the Province of British Columbia for revenue and debt administration. The ministry is committed to providing these services in a fair, equitable and timely manner. As well, the ministry represents British Columbia in its relationship with the Canada Revenue Agency1 and the Canada Border Services Agency with respect to the taxation statutes they administer on behalf of the Province. The ministry also collects taxes for other agencies such as the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority and local governments.

The revenues administered by the ministry, estimated at $17 billion in 2004/05 or almost 60 per cent of all revenues received by the Province, support the provision of vital government programs such as health care, education and social services.

In late 2004, the ministry partnered with a private sector firm for the delivery of a consolidated revenue management system2. Over the next two years, the focus will be on the integration and streamlining of ministry responsibilities associated with revenue services, including customer service, account management, billing, payment processing and non-tax collections. Following that, up to 40 additional revenue systems across government will be consolidated into this new centralized system.

In response to the changing workplace resulting from this partnership, the ministry has evaluated and reorganized its structure to better support its new work processes. The ministry relies on its three core business areas to implement its strategic direction and achieve its goals and objectives.

1. Revenue Programs

Revenue Programs is responsible for the administration of tax and natural resource revenues for the province. This business area provides a single point of accountability for service delivery for each of the tax statutes it administers. It promotes voluntary compliance with tax obligations through quality customer service, education and compliance programs.

2. Revenue Services

Revenue Services is responsible for providing revenue and debt administration and management services for the ministry and its customers. This includes account, bill, pay, collect and other revenue management services provided through a combination of in-house services, and a private sector partner which is managed through the ministry's Alliance Management Office.

3. Executive and Support Services

Executive and Support Services consists of the Minister's Office, Deputy Minister's Office, Strategic Initiatives and Administration Division, Policy and Legislation Branch, and Appeals and Litigation Branch. Key programs and services focus on the effective and efficient provision of corporate functions that assist the ministry in achieving its goals and objectives.

1  View the Summary of the British Columbia/Canada Revenue Agency Work Plan online at
2  View the Revenue Management Project Summary Report online at
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