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Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

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B.C. Home  Budget 2005  Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

The Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services manages a wide range of programs, which contribute to strong, healthy communities. Four of its core business areas correspond to its four core departments. The fifth, Executive and Support Services, is composed of the Corporate Services Department and Offices of the Deputy Minister, Minister and Ministers of State. The sixth and last core business is Transfer to Royal British Columbia Museum. The ministry is responsible for more than a dozen Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions, and over 40 pieces of legislation.

1. Local Government

The ministry supports local governments, heritage conservation and public libraries to improve community quality of life. Services for local governments include: providing a legislative and policy framework; providing advisory services and problem-solving support; and administering grant programs. The ministry is also responsible for municipal services in the University Endowment Lands. The Local Government core business area has a budget of $201.6 million for 2005/06, with a staff of 112 full-time equivalents.

2. Housing, Building and Safety

The ministry provides provincial housing policy to support communities in housing the most vulnerable, and in developing affordable market housing; administers policy and legislation on the building regulatory system; monitors and advises the Minister on the safety regulatory system; and is responsible for fire prevention legislation, policy and public education. Housing, Building and Safety has 55 full-time equivalents in staff and a budget for 2005/06 of $174.7 million, 94% of which is transferred to the BC Housing Management Commission.

3. Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration

The ministry works in partnership with Aboriginal communities and government agencies to increase social and economic opportunities for Aboriginal people, and works with communities on anti-racism and multiculturalism initiatives. The ministry also expedites the immigration and settlement of highly skilled people (workers, students and entrepreneurs) to support the B.C. economy. This includes increasing recognition and utilization of immigrants' skills through a new initiative, the Fast-track to Immigrant Employment program. In B.C.'s large urban communities, the ministry helps revitalize low-income areas, including supporting the Vancouver Agreement. The core business area has a budget for 2005/06 of $22.3 million, with 64 full-time equivalents in staff.

4. Women's and Seniors' Services

The ministry is responsible for key services that form part of B.C. communities' social safety net: transition house programs for women and children leaving abusive relationships; counselling programs for women who have experienced violence and children who have witnessed abuse; and public education and partnership initiatives that aim to reduce violence against women. The ministry also provides policy analysis, research and information to government and the public on women's and seniors' issues. The core business area has a budget for 2005/06 of $49.8 million, with 29 full-time equivalents in staff.


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