Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results — Continued
Goal 2: Maintain and restore the ecological diversity of
fish and wildlife species and their habitats.
The ministry has made significant progress in shifting to a model
of shared responsibility for maintaining and restoring ecological
diversity, fish and wildlife species and natural habitats. This
shared stewardship approach is guided by the ministry's commitment
to innovative management practices and is promoted through partnerships
with First Nations, other government agencies, stakeholders and
communities within British Columbia.
- Objective 1:
- Clear strategies to protect and restore species and their
This objective, which is key to attaining Goal 2, reflects the
ministry's intent to provide certainty for people who must comply
with ministry regulations. To provide this certainty, the ministry's
objective is to set standards informed by science and clearly identify
expectations and required results. Accordingly, the ministry is
focusing on the areas described in the strategies below.
- Strategies:
- 1. Reduce prescriptive regulatory requirements to decrease
costs to government and industry and implement results-based stewardship.
- 2. Develop a strategy to provide a long-term vision and action
plan for managing and conserving ecosystems, species and their
- 3. Work with the public, government and industry to identify,
protect and restore species and habitats for the conservation
of ecosystems.
- 4. Provide clear guidelines and standards for appropriate
protection and conservation of ecosystems, species and habitats
on Crown land outside the protected areas system.
- 5. Assess and respond to high-risk threats to ecological
diversity (e.g., developing the Okanagan Mountain Park fire research
framework) and identify opportunities to protect and restore key
habitats within the protected areas system.
- 6. Undertake park management planning to ensure long-term
management of conservation and recreation in parks and protected
- 7. Streamline the Wildlife Act, Park Act and
other legislation, including clarifying the designation categories
for parks and protected areas and creating a new category to accommodate
intensive recreation.
- 8. Maintain monitoring and reporting on the achievement of
standards to manage and conserve species and habitats.
Performance Measure:
To assess its progress toward achieving this objective, the ministry
is currently using a performance measure related to the Forest
and Range Practices Act (FRPA). The 2003/04 – 2005/06
Service Plan stated that an appropriate measure relating to environmental
standards for the FRPA would be developed in 2003/04. The ministry
is piloting an output measure to demonstrate its progress in establishing
designations and objectives for fisheries, wildlife and water quality
under the authority of the FRPA. This measure will indicate the
ministry's progress in setting results-based environmental standards
informed by science under the FRPA, which will be critical to attaining
the desired environmental outcomes. To adequately demonstrate progress,
two types of data will be collected: (1) the number of designations
and objectives established, and (2) the area of forest land base
for which designations and objectives have been established. Initially,
information is provided for designations of wildlife habitat areas
(WHA) and ungulate winter ranges (UWR). Performance targets are
based on expected levels of funding from the Forest Investment Account
and are provided only for the number of designations because the
size of the areas will depend on the species. Data and targets for
other areas, such as significant community and fisheries watersheds,
may be provided as data become available.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Actual/Base |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Ministry progress in establishing designations and objectives
for fisheries, wildlife and water quality using statutory
authorities under the Forest and Range Practices Act. |
Designations approved as of December 31/03: 160 WHA (49,120
hectares); 15 UWR (913,462 hectares). Targets for March 31/04:
173 WHA; 22 UWR. |
An additional 30 WHA and 15 UWR designations
approved per year. |
Benchmark Information: As of March 31/03, there were 129
wildlife habitat area (WHA) designations approved (covering 44,233
hectares) and no ungulate winter ranges (UWR). (Source: Ministry
of Water, Land and Air Protection)
- Objective 2:
- Improved use of science for the development of standards
and for effective monitoring and reporting.
Improving the use of science is a key component in the ministry's
work toward attaining Goal 2. Work is being undertaken simultaneously
in a number of areas, as identified in the strategies below.
- Strategies:
- 1. Acquire the data, information and knowledge to support
an approach to conservation that is informed by science.
- 2. Implement monitoring and reporting programs to track the
status of species and habitats and their responses to management
- 3. Develop standards and an assessment process to support
an approach to the protection of fish habitat in urban areas that
is informed by science.
- 4. Work with private- and public-sector partners to develop
environmental standards and best practices for the Forest
and Range Practices Act.
Performance Measure:
The ministry is using an outcome measure of the percentage of known
native species that are threatened or endangered in the province
to track its progress in achieving this objective. Measures of species
at risk are used nationally and internationally to indicate the
status of biological diversity, which is a commonly used indicator
of environmental sustainability, and as such is a key factor in
achieving industry, societal and government sustainability commitments.
The performance target is to improve on the baseline situation.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Actual/Base |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
The percentage of known native species that are threatened
or endangered in the province.
Note: Species at risk include birds, mammals, reptiles,
amphibians, freshwater fish, ferns and orchids.
14.2% of species at risk in 2000 |
Improve on the baseline situation. |
Benchmark Information: Marine mammals were added to the
threatened or endangered list for the first time in 1999. Some insect
groups were added in 2000. Non-breeding species of birds and mammals
in British Columbia were added in 2000. (Source: Conservation Data
- Objective 3:
- Increased number of partnerships to conserve species and
their habitats.
This objective addresses the ministry's shift from being sole protector
of the environment to promoting a shared stewardship approach. Partnerships
will be a crucial mechanism in the achievement of this goal. Working
on the strategies below will be key to the ministry's success in
sharing the responsibility of environmental stewardship with others.
- Strategies:
- 1. Establish and maintain relationships with First Nations,
communities, environmental organizations and academia to undertake
activities to conserve ecosystems, species and habitats.
- 2. Provide standards, guidelines, best management practices
and encouragement to private landowners to develop and implement
sustainable stewardship practices.
Performance Measure:
The 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan indicated that
performance under this objective would be assessed using a measure
of the "number and value of partnerships" and would be further developed
in 2003/04. Initially, the ministry is focusing on measuring its
progress in the specific area of establishing collaborative management
plans with First Nations. This is an important type of partnership
through which the ministry is sharing stewardship responsibilities
with First Nations for protected area management.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Actual/Base |
2004/05 Target |
Target |
2006/07 Target |
Number of collaborative management plans with First Nations. |
14 plans in place |
Develop and implement 2 plans. |
Continue to develop and implement collaborative
management plans as appropriate. |
Benchmark Information: Not available, as this measure was
only introduced in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service