Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and ResultsContinued

Goal 2: Build strong and respectful relationships between government and First Nations based on a shared commitment to reconciliation and recognition.

Outcome/Key Indicator:
Agreements with First Nations that strengthen the relationship between First Nations and the government.
Core Business Area(s):
Measure 2003/04 Actual/Base 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
• Number of agreements that facilitate and strengthen relationships between First Nations and the government1. TBD 1-2 1-2 1-2

1   New measure; baseline being determined.
Objective 1:
Build trust with First Nations through a reconciliation and recognition framework.
1. Work co-operatively with First Nations to identify an agenda of activities focused on reconciliation and recognition.
2. Undertake initiatives to increase public awareness and understanding to promote a vision of reconciliation.
3. Develop policies, positions and mandates consistent with the principles of reconciliation and recognition.
4. Provide leadership to line ministries and provincial agencies undertaking reconciliation activities.
Performance Measures 2003/04 Actual/Base 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
• Number of actions taken to implement agreed joint activities1. TBD 105% of base data 110% of base data 115% of base data
• Number of actions taken to build public awareness2. TBD 105% of base data 110% of base data 115% of base data
• Incidence of direct action/blockades. 9 8 7 7

1   New measure to reflect activities undertaken with the First Nations Summit under the September 17, 2003 Protocol Agreement; baseline being determined.
2   New measure; baseline being determined.


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