2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Core Business Areas
The ministry has five core business areas and a special account.
The first two core business areas, Sustainable Economic Development
and Integrated Land and Resource Information, account for approximately
83 per cent of the ministry's business. A further sub-vote is the
responsibility of the Agricultural Land Commission, which has its
own service plan.
Core Business Areas:
1. Sustainable Economic Development
This core business involves the development of resource-based economic
opportunities through land and resource plans, improved tools for
balanced decisions and increased participation with First Nations.
The core business is delivered by the 110 FTEs of Resource Management
division on an annual operating budget of $11.5 million over the
next three years.
2. Integrated Land and Resource Information
The newly created Land Information Services division delivers this
core business by providing integrated, science-based land, resource
and geographic information. The planned resources for this core
business over the next three years include 420 FTEs, an annual operating
budget of $45.9 million and a capital expenditure of $7.4 million
in 2004/05 and $5.5 million in both 2005/06 and 2006/07.
3. Sound Governance
The Corporate Land and Resource Governance division (CLRG) delivers
this core business by developing principles, policies and legislation
to guide resource planning, tenuring, disposal and pricing to ensure
the optimal use of Crown land and resources. CLRG also sets strategic
policies concerning property assessment and manages contaminated
sites on provincial land. During the next three years this core
business is planned to be delivered by 22 FTEs on an annual operating
budget of $2.7 million.
4. Property Assessment Services
The Corporate Land and Resource Governance division manages the
Property Assessment Review Panels, and the Corporate Services division
supports the management of the Property Assessment Appeal Board.
This core business operates under a $1,000 vote which is fully recovered
from BC Assessment. It is supported by the work of 11 FTEs.
5. Executive and Support Services
This core business is jointly delivered by the Minister's Office,
the Minister of State's Office, the Deputy Minister's Office and
Corporate Services division. The latter division provides the finance,
administration, information technology, internal communication and
human resources support services for all ministry core businesses.
It also provides some or all of these services to the Ministry of
Water, Land and Air Protection, the Agricultural Land Commission,
the Property Assessment Appeal Board and the Environmental Assessment
Office. Accountabilities to these different ministries and agencies
are established by individual service agreements. Over the next
three years the annual operating budget for this core business is
$8.1 million, supported by 171 FTEs.
Crown Land Special Account
The Crown Land Special Account (CLA) is used to acquire land on
behalf of government to preserve transportation and recreation corridors
and sensitive ecological reserves. The CLA is also used to record
land sales, land exchanges, land tenures and related disbursements
associated with the acquisition, servicing, development and disposition
of inventoried Crown land administered by Land and Water British
Columbia Inc. Under a new accounting policy, the CLA is used to
record free Crown grants and nominal rent tenures at fair market
value for all of government. Except for $20,000 the budget shown
in the Resource Summary is offset by a matching revenue resulting
in a zero impact to the government's budget.
Related Organizations
The ministry provides strategic policy direction to Land and Water
British Columbia Inc. (LWBC) and the Agricultural Land Commission
(ALC). The ministry also works closely with the Environmental Assessment
Office (EAO) by providing corporate support services.
LWBC administers Crown land and water allocation, and the ALC administers
the Agricultural Land Reserve, while the EAO reports to the minister
as a neutral provincial agency to coordinate assessment of the impacts
of major development proposals in the province. Other related agencies,
boards and commissions can be found on a chart of the ministry's
organizational structure in Appendix 3.