2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Skills Development and Labour
Ministry Overview
The Ministry of Skills Development and Labour is working to build
a modern employment environment that meets the needs of employees,
employers, unions and business in British Columbia.
The core programs of the ministry involve the development, implementation
and enforcement of employment standards, workplace safety standards
and labour relations rules. Programs are delivered through one of
the ministry's three branches:
1. Skills development and employment standards (workplace programs).
2. Industrial relations.
3. Workers' compensation.
The ministry administers 12 statutes — the Labour Relations
Code, the Employment Standards Act, the Workers Compensation
Act and several statutes concerning the collective agreements
of particular service sectors. Some of these statutes are administered
in whole or in part by independent agencies, such as the Labour
Relations Board, the Employment Standards Tribunal and the Workers'
Compensation Board.
Our key stakeholders are everyone who participates in the B.C.
economy, as workers (both unionized and non-unionized), as public
or private sector employers, or as unions or industry associations.
Major contextual factors include the state of the provincial, national
and global economies.