Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 1: Cost-Effective and Efficient Access to Government Services and Information for Citizens, Businesses and the Broader Public Sector.

Core Business Areas:
1. Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses: Service BC.
2. Service Delivery to the Public Sector.
3. Governance.
Objective 1:
Provide cost-effective, high quality, multi-channel, and integrated service delivery.
Performance Measures Base
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
Percentage of customers satisfied or very satisfied with service from Service BC's Government Agents. 93%1 90–95% 90–95% 90–95%
Percentage of customers satisfied or very satisfied with use of Service BC's Community Access Terminals. Establish baseline TBD TBD TBD
Percentage of callers satisfied or very satisfied with Service BC's Enquiry BC Contact Centre service. 97%2 95–97% 95–97% 95–97%
Percentage of users of the BC OnLine Help Desk service that are satisfied or very satisfied. 95%3 95% 95% 95%
Percentage of British Columbians who are aware of government services and channels. Establish baseline TBD TBD

1   Survey results from February 2003.
2   Survey results from February-March 2003.
3   Survey results from June 2003.
1. Expand the integration of services and service delivery channels.
2. Implement the Client-Centred Service Delivery framework for the Service Delivery Initiative.
3. Develop an authentication network to allow government to deliver services with eligibility requirements over the Internet, while protecting the privacy of the public.
4. Provide a corporate approach to alternative service delivery to maximize innovations, choice, and seamless delivery of services to the public.
Objective 2:
Provide or expand existing high-speed, broadband Internet access to British Columbians.
Performance Measure Base
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
Percentage of communities1 with access to broadband facilities. 54%2 75%3 80%4 86%5

1   The Premier's Technology Council defines a community to mean anywhere in BC with a place name, a public school, a library or healthcare facility.
2   193 of 361 communities.
3   270 of 361 communities.
4   290 of 361 communities.
5   310 of 361 communities.
1. Implement the tactical and strategic plans to address the digital divide.
2. Provide support to ministries in the implementation of electronic service delivery initiatives.


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