Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 4: As one employer, the Province of British Columbia's interests are preserved and supported.

1. Proactive and visionary leadership talent capacity developed in the public service.
2. Collaborative relationships with formal bargaining units that optimize productivity and build a climate of trust.
3. Employment rights and obligations are understood and consistently applied.
4. A consistent employee experience across the government of British Columbia through strengthened accountabilities for human resource management.
5. Risk is managed and mitigated.
6. Sound governance is provided.
7. The overall needs of government are balanced with client and customer needs.
1. Recognize excellence in the public sector through the Premier's Awards.
2. Accelerate development of leadership talent across government.
3. Develop and deliver annual leadership forums.
4. Articulate accountabilities in all policies, plans and delegations.
5. Complete a policy review to ensure policies support "government as one employer".
6. Assess and report on compliance with legislation and policy; report on major trends and issues to the Deputy Ministers' Council.
7. Increase understanding among senior executives and managers of their role as employer.
8. Move towards a market-based management compensation system that is performance based while ensuring cost containment.
9. Ensure cost containment and risk mitigation is well planned in areas such as Workers' Compensation Board/Occupational Health and Safety, Compensation, Job Evaluation and Labour Relations.

Performance Measures

Baseline 2004/05
Number of policy compliance reviews.1 0 2 4 6
Number of individuals identified as ready or near-ready for future leadership roles.2 75 90 120 150
Per cent of individuals identified for corporate succession who are promoted or assigned new roles.2 0 25% 25% increase from 04/05 target 25% increase from 05/06 target

1   We have used an output measure for this area because the compliance review function will be new in 2004/05. Once it is established the Agency will develop an outcomes-based measure.
2   These measures relate to our objective: Build capacity in developing visionary and proactive leadership talent; accelerate and fast-track growth of new leaders and managers. This in turn contributes to goal 4 in that strong leaders can manage the interests of the province while maintaining a positive work environment. Deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers identify potential leaders. Because leadership succession is a new process in the BC public service, during 2004/05 the Agency will need to review the above targets set for 2005/06 and 2006/07.


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