Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 3: All public service managers have human resource knowledge, tools and supports to deliver the highest quality service.

1. Line managers have the capacity and "know-how" to successfully manage human resources.
2. Information, tools, products and services are easily accessed and easy to use.
3. Agency communications raise awareness of expertise, products and services delivered by the Agency.
4. The Agency is focused on delivering "only what we do best".
5. Access to services through multiple platforms including e-business.
1. Develop tools and training to facilitate competency-based recruiting that selects managers with well-honed people and interpersonal skills.
2. Target training to high priority areas to ensure that training assists line managers to successfully manage their human resources.
3. Deliver tailored training advice, support and coaching.
4. Highlight areas of expertise within the agency by using effective marketing techniques.
5. Leverage Government's position as one of the largest employers in BC in the procurement of goods and services from the human resource supplier community.
6. Tailor communication methods to clients' needs.
7. Encourage employees and managers to be self-reliant and utilize self-service tools.
Baseline 2004/05
Engagement rating for BC public servants.1 59% in 2001/02 10% increase from baseline 15% increase from baseline 20% increase from baseline
Per cent of clients who agree that Agency on-line tools are useful.2 Baseline not yet established 65% 70% 75%
Per cent of managers and supervisors who believe they have adequate skills and resources to fulfill their human resource management responsibilities.3 Baseline not yet established 65% 70% 75%

1   This index is derived from the Office of the Auditor General's Work Environment Survey. The engagement rating indicates the level of commitment or intellectual and emotional involvement in one's work and organization. This measure is relevant to the goal in that the degree to which public servants are engaged in their work is a reasonable indicator of the overall quality of the public service. Targeted increases for the next three years will lead to satisfaction rates of 65, 68 and 71 per cent, respectively.
2, 3    The Agency's annual Client Satisfaction Survey is the source for these measures. It is conducted by BC Stats and is based on a statistical sample of managers and supervisors. The baseline for these measures will be established in late 2003/04. Targets for these measures in 2005/06 and 2006/07 are subject to change depending on the baseline.


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