2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Advanced Education
Appendix 2. Summary of Related Planning Processes
Ministry Information Resource Management Plan
The Ministry has implemented a plan to manage its information resources.
This plan encompasses the following information management directions
and major projects.
Information Management Directions
1. Implementation of the Ministry Information Systems Plan
— Completed in March 2003, the plan provides a vision and
framework for future Ministry information management and information
technology initiatives and a migration strategy for moving toward
this vision. The plan ensures that Ministry data and information
systems are managed from a corporate perspective and aligned to
fully support the Ministry's business goals and priorities. The
plan will be updated on an annual basis to reflect emerging business
needs such as the initiatives highlighted below.
2. Service Delivery via the Web — Deliver better
service to the Ministry's customers by providing multiple means
of access to its programs, including use of the Internet and interactive
voice response (phone) systems. This will reduce application turnaround
time, reduce errors and decrease the amount of data entry.
3. More Financial Accountability — Development
of all new application initiatives are more closely aligned with
the Finance and Administration Services Branch to ensure financial
requirements are included in systems design.
4. Central Data Warehouse (CDW) initiative —
Administration and management of a joint project of the Ministry
and the public colleges, university colleges and institutes to establish
data standards for post-secondary administrative reporting. This
initiative will ensure that data submitted by participating institutions
are consistent, creating a foundation for meaningful cross-institution
5. Records Management and E-documents — Electronic
versions of correspondence related to student loans are available
to student loan applicants securely via the Web.
Major Projects
Implementation of Year 1 of the Ministry Information Systems
Plan: Foundation for Data Quality Management — Target: Completion
by June/04 The focus of first year activities of the Plan
is building a strong foundation for the management of data quality.
BC Student Assistance Program Online (Internet Loan Application)
Release 5 — Target: Completion by May/04 This system
allows students to apply for student financial assistance online.
The next release will further increase processing efficiencies and
be easier for clients to use. The number of participating BC private
and out-of-province institutions will continue to increase.
Student Financial Assistance System Enhancements —
Target: Completion by May/04 Each year, enhancements are
made to reflect changes in program policy and/or to improve processing
efficiencies. These enhancements must be completed by May each year,
as this is when the new student loan application for the upcoming
program year is released.
Portal Conversion Project — Target: 50% complete by
March/05 The government-wide Portal Conversion Project will
convert all government Internet and intranet Web sites and electronic
services to the Enterprise Portal, a single point of entry to BC
Government's Web-based information and electronic services.
Ministry Human Resource Management Plan
The Ministry has implemented a human resource management plan to
address its long-term staffing and skills needs. This plan encompasses
the following six goals.
Human Resource Goals
Goal 1: Proactive and Visionary Leadership.
To support the Public Service Renewal Initiative to renew, revitalize,
and sustain a professional public service in BC and to provide all
Ministry staff with a clear sense of Government and Ministry vision,
mission, goals and objectives.
Goal 2: Performance Focused Workforce.
To ensure all Ministry employees have a clear understanding of
how their job is linked to Government and Ministry goals and objectives
and to recognize and reward excellence in employee performance.
Goal 3: Flexible and Motivating Work Environment.
To promote and support employee wellness, a healthy balance between
work and personal life and to provide all new employees with an
opportunity to attend a Ministry orientation session.
Goal 4: Learning and Innovative Organization.
To establish a Ministry culture that supports continuous learning,
where employees and management share responsibility for ensuring
that employees obtain the training and work experience they need
to achieve their career goals and to establish a Ministry culture
that supports innovation.
Goal 5: Effective People Strategy.
To ensure that the Ministry has an effective people strategy.
Goal 6: Progressive Employee/Employer Relations.
To ensure that all managers and staff are aware of, and comply
with, the provisions of collective agreements and to provide an
appropriate forum/mechanism for resolution of employee/employer