Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 3: A provincial agricultural land reserve system that considers community interests.

This goal relates to the Commission's purpose to work with others to preserve agricultural land, while at the same time, considering community interests. The support of local governments and the public for the ALR is essential to the success of the provincial program. Where significant community needs are demonstrated and documented, the Commission considers those needs when it makes decisions for change of use applications in the ALR.

Outcome/Key Indicator (Goal Level):
Local government support for the Commission's program and performance / concurrence between local government recommendations on applications and Commission decisions.
Indicator 2003/04
Concurrence between local government recommendations and Commission decisions.1 54%
58% 60% 62%

1   This measure is based on direct concurrence or agreement between a local government recommendation and a Commission decision and does not include approximately 25 per cent of applications on which local government does not comment or make a recommendation.
Objective 1:
Increased awareness of community issues within the Reserve.

The Commission works to increase its understanding of community issues within the ALR. The Commission panels meet regularly with local governments in their regions and this helps Commissioners understand the needs of communities. The Commission's six region panel structure, implemented in Spring 2002, placed decision-making in the regions, closer to those affected. This also afforded the Commission the opportunity to become more familiar with and knowledgeable about the communities that are impacted by its decisions.

Performance Measures 2003/04 Actual/Base 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
Number of meetings with local governments and stakeholders. 60
60 60 60
Per cent applications decided after site visit (74% 2002/03). 70%
80% 80% 80%
1. Meet with local governments and stakeholders to discuss balancing community interests with preserving agricultural land.
2. Build regional responsiveness of the Commission through increased presence in the regions and meetings with applicants.
Objective 2:
Community issues and needs factored into decision-making.

Under this objective, the Commission considers community needs when making decisions but balances those needs with the provincial interest in preserving agricultural land. The Commission also works closely with local governments in community planning processes, where community needs can be identified and substantiated.

Performance Measure 2003/04 Actual/Base 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
Per cent applications approved for which community need is a factor. 14%
16% 18% 20%
1. Work with local governments to identify and address community needs, particularly through community planning.
2. Develop and apply dispute resolution processes for unresolved conflicts between the Commission and local government.
Objective 3:
Increased participation of local governments and public authorities in ALR decision-making under delegated authority.

The Commission works to establish delegation agreements with local governments and public authorities. Under such an agreement a local government or public agency may voluntarily assume subdivision and land use decision authority for those ALR areas within its jurisdiction. With local governments and others making decisions for the ALR, under guidelines that protect the ALR, the Commission can focus more effectively on the results of its program.

Performance Measures 2003/04
Number of delegation agreements with interested local governments 1 (total). 1 agreement 3 agreements 6 agreements 8 agreements
Number of delegation agreements with public authorities (total). 1 agreement 2 agreements 2 agreements 3 agreements

1   Of the 135 local governments with land in the ALR, 14 have expressed interest in negotiating a delegation agreement with the Commission. This measure has been revised from the previous Service Plan.
Negotiate delegation agreements in priority areas with interested and supportive local governments and public authorities.


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