Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance Measures and Targets Continued

Core Business Area: Environmental Stewardship

Goal 2: Maintain and restore the natural diversity of ecosystems, and fish and wildlife species and their habitats.

Objectives Performance
Base Data
Clear strategies and legislation to protect and restore ecosystems, species and their habitats Number of nationally listed species at risk being addressed by recovery teams 100 out of 114 listed species are being addressed. All nationally listed species are being addressed by recovery teams.
Number of protected areas with approved management direction 226 555 582 610
An appropriate measure relating to environmental standards for the Forest and Range Practices Act Measure to be developed in 2003/04.
Improved use of science for the development of standards and for effective monitoring and reporting

The percentage of known native species that are threatened or endangered in the province*

Note: Species at risk includes birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fish, ferns and orchids.

14.2% of species at risk in 2000 Improve on the baseline situation.
Increased number of partnerships to conserve ecosystems, species and their habitats Number and value of partnerships Measure to be developed in 2003/04.
*   This performance measure is in the government’s Strategic Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06.


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