Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance Measures and Targets Continued

Core Business Area: Environmental Protection

Goal 1: Protect the environment and human health and safety by ensuring clean and safe water, land and air.

Objectives Performance Measures 2002/03
Base Data
Streamline standards and improve monitoring, reporting and compliance Number of days to process approval requests for contaminated sites 50+ days 30 days 5 days 5 days
Other measures may be developed after the Waste Management Act revision.
Limit air pollution and contribute to meeting global atmospheric objectives Percentage of monitored communities achieving the Canada-wide standard (CWS) quality objective of amount of fine particulates in the air under 2.5 microns per cubic metre (PM2.5)* New measure and data is just beginning to be collected.

Currently, 88% of communities achieve the CWS where PM2.5 is monitored and sufficient data is available to generate the statistic.

By 2005/06, 100% of communities monitored achieve, or continue to achieve, the CWS for PM2.5.

Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in British Columbia 65.5 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent (2000 level) A long-term target is being set for B.C.’s GHG emissions as part of the development of the Climate Change Action Plan. B.C.’s emissions in 1990 (the base year) were 51.2 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent.
Ensure safe, high-quality drinking water and reduce discharges that threaten water quality The trends in environmentally significant variables, such as metals and nutrients, that indicate the health of water for 30 water bodies monitored under the federal/provincial agreement* 90% of the monitoring stations in the 30 water bodies have stable or improving water quality trends (in 2002) Maintain or improve water quality trends for water bodies monitored under the federal/provincial agreement by 2005.
Number of aquifers identified and classified 551 aquifers (out of approx. 1000) Additional 50 Additional 50 Additional 50
Reduce/remove toxins and wastes that contaminate land Number of product categories with industry-led product stewardship 6 1 additional product category To be determined.
Note: The base figure of 6 includes paint, beverage containers and the four product categories in Schedule 2 of the Post Consumer Residual Stewardship Program Regulation.
Readiness to respond to high-risk environmental emergencies Percentage of high-risk environmental emergencies responded to effectively To be determined as of March 31/03. 100% 100% 100%
*   This performance measure is in the government’s Strategic Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06.


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