Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
Strategic Context  
Core Business Areas  
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures, Targets and Expenditures  
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
Resource Summary  
Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Appendix I: Glossary  
Appendix II: Other Official Ministry and Justice Information  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan

Executive Summary

The ministry has delivered on its previous Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP). The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (PSSG) upgraded all of its technology infrastructure, including replacing all desktop computers and mission critical application servers, and migrating its users to a common government email system. The ministry increased integration between the province’s Corrections system (CORNET) and the Ministry of Attorney General’s (AG) criminal justice system (JUSTIN) through initiatives such as a new lockup management system for Vancouver Jail and a new system to manage the transfer of inmates to and from correctional facilities and courthouses. The ministry delivered on its electronic government vision to streamline government-to-business services by building a new liquor control and licensing application, and an integrated film classification, private investigator and gaming licensing application (FIGARO).

Fiscal 2003/2004 will bring significant opportunities and challenges, particularly in the area of Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT). Having recently upgraded its IT infrastructure, the ministry is well positioned to be part of government’s new initiatives on shared IT services. The ministry is enhancing several applications such as a new Corrections system (CORNET2) and Phase 2 of both the liquor control and licensing application and FIGARO.

The ministry continues to align IT/IM projects with its respective service plans. For several years, the ministry has had a joint AG/PSSG steering committee called the Administration and Technology Committee (ATC). ATC membership consists of a senior manager or designate from each major business area of the ministry. All IT/IM projects must be sponsored and approved by the ATC. Through ATC, the ministry is adopting a project portfolio management methodology. This methodology will ensure that not only are IT/IM initiatives aligned with business, but that development projects continue to be delivered in the most efficient manner, maximizing value and results.

Risk will be further mitigated by ensuring that all projects adhere to core government IT/IM strategies and standards. Using the latest security strategies, the ministry will continue to protect the privacy of information it maintains while enabling the exchange of information within the justice sector.

See the attached Table A. IM/IT Service Plan Objectives, and Table B. Information Management Directions and Major Projects.

TABLE A: IM/IT Service Plan Objectives by Core Business Area

Business Objective IM/IT Strategy

Enforce court orders efficiently and effectively; manage offenders based on risk to re-offend and reduce the risk to re-offend.

Improve the branch’s offender tracking system (CORNET2) by upgrading to current technology standards, improving the JUSTIN interface, enhancing functionality, and integrating with the offender historical records system. Implement a staff shift scheduling system to achieve staffing efficiencies.
Enhance effectiveness and accountability of police agencies and ensure they are properly resourced; make communities and schools safer; protect children; enhance public safety and confidence in the private security industry; maintain effective awareness, preparedness, and responses and recovery programs from disasters; enhance the delivery of victim services programs.
Build a new Canadian Police Information Centre system (CPIC) interface in B.C.; build an interface into JUSTIN to support the police sector in their project to build Prime BC; develop a new financial claims and tracking system for disasters; and develop and implement a new crime victim assistance system. Enhance FIGARO to allow electronic service delivery for licensing and regulation of private investigators, security businesses and employees.
Ensure public interests are protected while promoting fairness in marketplace; create an efficient landlord-tenant dispute resolution system; improve driver safety and commercial transport industry compliance.
Develop and implement a new system to manage arbitration, correspondence, enquiries and scheduling of hearings in the Residential Tenancy Offices and implement and enhance the film classification portion of FIGARO for electronic service delivery to business and public.
Ensure gaming is well-regulated and illegal activity is addressed while establishing a coordinated approach to support community organizations’ funding requirements; improve public and stakeholder awareness and increase satisfaction with government’s management of gaming.
Maintain and enhance the gaming policy, registration, licensing, audit, and investigation portion of FIGARO; develop a horse racing component for the FIGARO application; continue to maintain and enhance the gaming licensing system to maintain efficiencies and develop a web-based application for managing small gaming licenses to the public.
Increase licensee compliance and ensure new liquor licensing decisions are effectively reviewed by local government; reduce unnecessary regulations.
Expand the new liquor control and licensing system to include handheld data devices for inspections and electronic service delivery for business and the public.

TABLE B: Information Management Directions for Fiscal 2003/2004

Direction Strategy
IM/IT Alignment with Service Plan ATC approval and sponsorship of all capital projects to ensure alignment with Service Plan and financial accountability.
Project Portfolio Management Formal project management approach on all projects to minimize risk, ensure value and achieve more project successes.
Electronic Service Delivery Efficient and effective delivery of services via the Web to citizens and business partners ensuring improved productivity and sharing of information electronically.
Corporate and Integrated Justice Data Standards Identify corporate data used across the ministry for purposes of creating greater consistency in sharing information with other areas of government and integrated justice business partners.
Security and Privacy Develop policy and procedures to ensure sensitive justice information is protected. Promote good privacy practices in information sharing with business partners and government.
Shared Services Utilize shared government services to maximize IT investment value and service delivery.
Business Intelligence Develop a set of reporting tools to evaluate program performance against Service Plan and provide improved data for planning.

Major Projects

Project Description
Film, Investigators & Gaming Audit Regulatory System (FIGARO) — Phase 2 — Target March 2004 FIGARO Phase 2 will include refinements to create additional government-to-business opportunities such as electronic forms for on-line license registration.  
Liquor Control and Licensing System Phase 2 — Target March 2004 POSSE Phase 2 will increase functionality to the current system and contemplate additional government-to-business opportunities through electronic services.
CORNET2 (Corrections) — Target March 2004 CORNET (Corrections Network) is a mission-critical application used by the Corrections Branch and the Ministry of Children and Family Development to track information relating to the supervision of offenders in custody and in the community. CORNET2 is required to enhance functionality as required to meet the changing business needs of the branch and to replace aging technology.

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Human Resource Management Plan

The following Human Resource Management Plan (HRMP) has been compiled to support the overall Service Plan. The HRMP will be realigned on an on-going basis to ensure the Plan continues to reflect the needs of staff, overall government strategic goals and the Corporate HRMP.

Underlying Fundamentals

  • Communication

As the role of government is redefined, staff and management require regular, meaningful communication from senior levels. At the same time, branches and staff need to share information more frequently.

  • Transition Management

Leadership is required to support all staff, especially middle management, through new initiatives and changes that arise from public service renewal, restructuring, workforce adjustment, fiscal restraint, and shifting corporate demands.

Executive must demonstrate commitment to managing our human resources as we develop new ways of doing business and begin to operationalize such initiatives as deregulation and consolidation.

Management needs to be proactive and innovative in dealing with change.

As the work changes, many jobs, roles, and responsibilities are becoming increasingly complex and demanding. The organization must ensure that appropriate leadership, support and training are identified in the HRMP.

  • Workload

Increased volumes of work, new ways of doing business and changing corporate demands are creating greater pressure on employees.

Staff look to senior management for resolution of this issue.

  • Morale

Many factors contribute to a decrease in employee morale, including workforce adjustment, budget cuts, increasing work demands and the extent and frequency of change.

Outstanding performance needs to be recognized and rewarded. The recognition program could be linked to the performance management process. Annual performance reviews are integral to supporting and recognizing staff.

Employee wellness programs also need to be promoted.

Strong leadership at senior management levels will contribute to improved morale.

Principles for the Development and Implementation of the HRMP

  • Demonstrated senior management commitment and support of the HRMP at the ministry and branch levels;
  • Branch and work unit autonomy to manage their own HRMP implementation processes to fit respective cultures and operating models; and,
  • HRMP is developed and adopted by participants.

The Plan — Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

Goal: Effective People Strategy
The impacts on human resources resulting from Core Review and budget reductions are effectively and sensitively managed.

Ensure an orderly transition from the existing organization structure while supporting staff affected by the changes.

Branches maintain a succession plan and monitor recruitment and retention relative to succession requirements.

Evaluate the change model and practices that were developed for implementation during the first round of workforce adjustment and implement recommendations for change where appropriate.

Utilize leadership and management development initiatives to increase capacity, develop recruitment strategies for identified groups, and monitor opportunities for staff development.

Goal: Proactive and Visionary Leadership
Skilled managers and supervisors are capable of achieving ministry and business goals.
Participate in the Corporate Executive and Management Development Program, ensuring this involvement contributes to the achievement of the ministry’s succession requirements.
Goal: Performance Focused Workforce
Employee performance management is linked to succession planning and training plans that support the achievement of ministry goals.
Establish a performance management program that includes competency assessment and identification of individual career development and learning plans.
Goal: Flexible and Motivating Work Environment
Individuals and work teams are recognized and rewarded.
Effectively utilize corporate and ministry recognition and reward programs, both formal and informal.
Goal: Learning and Innovative Organization
Staff are supported in their professional development and the ministry promotes a learning culture.
Establish individual learning plans as part of the Employee Planning and Development Plan.

Utilize corporate learning initiatives effectively.

Goal: Progressive Employee/Employer Relations
Indicators of good organizational health are monitored and, where issues are identified, they are addressed as appropriate.
Executive Committee will monitor the health of the organization through review of reports on such indicators as attendance, turnover, vacancies, long-term temporary appointments, Short Term Illness and Injury Program and Long Term Disability utilization, Workers’ Compensation Board claims, Occupational Safety and Health Program reporting, grievances and recognition.


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