Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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A New Era of Government Service  
Premier's Letter  
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Office of the Premier
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Office of the Premier


The Premier serves as the President of the Executive Council (Cabinet) of the Government of British Columbia. As head of the government and Cabinet, the Premier provides leadership to, and cohesion among ministers, ministries and agencies of government. The Office of the Premier provides advice and support to the Premier, Cabinet and Caucus to facilitate smooth and effective operations of the Government of British Columbia.

The office works closely with all ministries and major agencies to support their work and to ensure policy coordination across government. The Office of the Premier provides leadership to the public service. The Premier, with the support of the office, is responsible for ensuring the New Era platform is implemented in a timely, open and accountable fashion.

Government’s New Era Vision

  1. A top-notch education system for students of all ages.
  2. High-quality public health-care services that meet all patients’ needs where they live and when they need it.
  3. A thriving private sector economy that creates high-paying job opportunities.
  4. Safer streets and schools in every community.
  5. Better services for children, families and First Nations.
  6. The fastest growing technology industry in Canada.
  7. A leading-edge forest industry that is globally recognized for its productivity and environmental stewardship.
  8. Greater equity and equality for British Columbia in Canada.
  9. The most open, accountable and democratic government in Canada.
  10. Responsible, accountable management of your public resources and tax dollars.


The Premier and the Office of the Premier have a broad responsibility for the achievement of the government’s vision. Within that broad responsibility, the Office of the Premier has specific accountability for the restructuring of government, effective and transparent communications, and the development of positive intergovernmental relations.

The mission of the Office of the Premier is:

To ensure the achievement of the New Era vision through leadership across government and Crown agencies in innovative planning, timely decision-making and effective service delivery; supported by leading-edge information technology, open and transparent communications, and positive intergovernmental relations.


The Office of the Premier’s leadership of government will be founded upon the New Era values of:

To make decisions in a manner that is consistent, professional, fair and balanced.

Fiscal Responsibility:
To implement affordable public policies.

To enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and credibility of government.

To treat all citizens equitably, compassionately and respectfully.

To afford British Columbians the opportunity to exercise self-determination.

Principles — The Way We Work

In fulfilling our corporate leadership role, the Office of the Premier will act in accordance with the following principles:

  • Focus on New Era priorities;
  • Results-oriented and client focused;
  • Innovative and accountable public management;
  • Collaborative partnerships;
  • Simplification of government regulations and processes; and
  • Focus on support and facilitation rather than direct control over the lives of people, businesses and organizations.


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