Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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A New Era of Government Service  
Premier's Letter  
Accountability Statements  
Key Challenges and Opportunities  

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Goals, Objectives, Measures and Targets  
Summary Expenditure Plan  
Human Resource Management Plan  
Information Resource Management Plan  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Office of the Premier

A New Era of Government Service

Three-year service plans represent an important part of the government’s commitment to open and accountable government. In August 2001, the government amended the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act to require government to table a three-year Strategic Plan and annual three-year Service Plans for ministries and government organizations with the provincial budget. These plans will ensure government and its individual ministries clearly outline their goals, and enable British Columbians to hold government accountable for its decisions and actions.

The government’s three-year Strategic Plan articulates the government’s vision:

British Columbia is a prosperous and just province, whose citizens achieve their potential and have confidence in the future. It also establishes three strategic goals that are key to achieving the government’s overall vision:

  • A strong and vibrant provincial economy
  • A supportive social fabric
  • Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment.

This Service Plan details the Office of the Premier’s mission and objectives, which support the government’s strategic goals. The Service Plan also includes performance measures that will be used to assess the Office of the Premier’s progress in achieving those objectives. Objectives and performance measures are a new initiative for ministries and government organizations. In some cases, as planning progresses, performance measures will become more detailed as they are further developed. After the end of each fiscal year, the Office of the Premier will prepare a Service Plan report that describes the actual accomplishments for the year.

The Service Plan report for 2002/03 will include a comparison of planned and actual results, from both a financial and performance measure perspective, and allows the public to assess the government’s performance. Service Plans and Service Plan Reports prepared by government ministries and organizations are the key tools by which government will manage public resources to ensure government programs are contributing, in a measurable way, to key government priorities. The government’s three-year Strategic Plan and ministries’ three-year Service Plans guide the reform of the province’s public services so they meet British Columbians’ needs. Measures to revitalize economic prosperity and protect and renew public services will lay the groundwork for a future of new opportunities for all British Columbians.


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