Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Summary of Related Planning ProcessesContinued

(Human Resource Management Plan)
Goal Objective Strategy
Ensuring effective human resource governance and policy frameworks to support our people and enable them to achieve public service goals People feel valued in their jobs and by the organization Mechanism(s) to be piloted for one year for employees to identify/express relevant issues
Implementing human resource standards and practices to promote a service and results-oriented workforce Ministry, division and branch plans that are consistent and aligned

Performance targets are consistently met

Employee Performance and Development Planning (EPDP) to be completed by all management staff

Employees are provided the resources and training to achieve their performance targets

Creating a supportive work environment that recognizes people’s contribution and efforts A healthy, happy workforce/organization

People want to work for the Ministry

Identify ways to match people’s skills to the job and give interested and qualified employees opportunities to increase their skills through initiatives such as “generic jobs” “growth series,” “bridging positions”, “competency based staffing, “succession planning” and “employee development training”
Fostering learning, development, innovation and growth throughout the organization Retention of knowledge base/intellectual capital within Ministry of Management Services Develop succession plans for key people/positions using strategies such as transition planning, job shadowing, leadership training and tracking progress


Performance Measure Base 2002/03 Target
2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Percentage of management with completed Employee Performance and Development Plans 10% 100% 100% 100%
Undertake annual employee survey to determine status of organizational health and effectiveness. Establish Baseline Exceed Baseline Exceed Baseline


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