Manage Human Resources
The goal is to ensure the ministry has employees with the skills, knowledge and expertise required to achieve its mandate.
• recruit, develop and manage employees according to best practices; and
• ensure the skills, knowledge and expertise required by the ministry are available in the right place at the right time and in the right capacity.
Managers will:
• manage human resources effectively.
• seek the guidance of the Strategic Human Resources Unit, decide on a course of action, implement actions, and monitor/evaluate results.
The Strategic Human Resources Unit will:
• provide options and recommendations to ministry executives and managers to promote optimal human resource management in the ministry.
• manage the provision of transactional human resource services by the BC Public Service Agency.
Ministry Executive will assess:
whether the ministry workforce had the skills, knowledge and expertise to meet the challenges faced by the ministry in its quest to achieve its mandate during the fiscal year.
Workforce Adjustment:
The goal is to ensure the ministry's workforce adjustment efforts achieve its FTE and budget reduction objectives.
lead and direct the workforce adjustment process to achieve ministry objectives.
Ministry Executives and managers will:
• ensure surplus positions are identified and employees affected are treated with fairness, consideration and due process.
• consider the implications of succession planning, turnover, and the future needs of the ministry in implementing workforce adjustment measures.
The Strategic Human Resources Unit will:
• Manage the provision of transactional workforce adjustment services by the BC Public Service Agency.
Ministry Executive will assess:
whether FTE and financial targets were achieved.
Performance Management:
The goal is to ensure ministry employees perform to the best of their abilities.
Build and maintain a healthy, dynamic workplace where employee contributions are valued and where employees are encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge, and to perform to the best of their abilities.
Managers and employees will:
• complete annual performance plans and annual reviews to set goals, enhance performance and review achievements.
All employees will:
• understand the goals and objectives of their organizational unit and its relationship to division, ministry and government goals and priorities.
Ministry Executive will assess whether:
managers and employees achieve peak performance during the reporting period.