Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Culture, Heritage and SportContinued

Goal: British Columbians participate and excel in culture, heritage,
and sports

Planning Context

The arts and cultural sector is a rapidly growing component of the provincial economy. Cultural sector employment has been growing at more than twice the rate of the general labour force since 1981. The economic impact of the arts and cultural sector in the province is estimated at approximately $3 billion. As more formerly resource-based British Columbia communities try to develop tourism to fuel their development, they are looking to arts and cultural products to attract visitors. These communities look to the province to provide the policy and program leadership to take advantage of these opportunities.

With respect to heritage, BC has in excess of 215,000 buildings that pre-date 1945 as well as many other historic resources. Approximately 15,000 historic places have been identified by communities, but less than 1500 have been legally protected by local governments or the province. Development pressures, disincentives to rehabilitation, neglect and other factors have resulted in the loss of 21% of Canada’s historic properties in the past 30 years.

Regarding sports and physical activity, about 750,000 British Columbians are registered members of provincial sport organizations — three-quarters of whom are youth and children. Nevertheless, there are growing numbers of children and adults who are not physically active. The health care costs associated with physical inactivity are estimated to be $273 million a year in British Columbia.

Objectives Key Strategies
1. British Columbia’s cultural sector contributes to quality of life and economic development of communities.

• Undertake program priorities review on behalf of the BC Arts Council.

• Subject to approval, implement a strategy to improve the competitive position of the publishing industry.

• Prepare a research report on a strategy to improve the competitive position of the Sound Recording Industry.

2. British Columbia’s heritage is preserved and promoted.

• Devolve British Columbia heritage properties to community partners.

• Contribute to the development of the Canadian Register of Historic Places.

3. British Columbians participate in physical activity and British Columbian athletes excel.

• Develop and implement the Aboriginal Youth FIRST Program.

• Develop and implement the Active Schools, Active Communities, and Organized Sport Action Plans.


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