2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal
and Women's Services
Culture, Heritage and Sport
The Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services supports
culture, heritage and sports through policy and program activities,
administration of the Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund and
the Olympic Arts Fund Special Accounts, as well as through policy
and program support to the BC Arts Council, an independent, provincially
funded agency. The Ministry provides transfers in support of cultural
industries; heritage protection and preservation; community grant
programs; amateur sport groups; and, sport and recreation projects.
The Ministry's resources to supports these sectors include the
Cultural Services Branch, the Heritage Branch and the Sport and
Physical Activity Branch. These branches, plus the Physical Fitness
and Amateur Sports Fund as well as the Olympic Arts Fund Special
Accounts, have a budget for 2003/04 of $32.10 million with 85 full-time
equivalents in staff.
Goal: British Columbians participate and excel in culture,
heritage, and sports