Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

Photograph -- Honourable Stanley B. Hagen.I am pleased to present the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan of the Agricultural Land Commission, an agency reporting to me but operating under its own enabling legislation, the Agricultural Land Commission Act.

The Commission is charged with preserving agricultural land and encouraging and enabling farm businesses throughout British Columbia.

It accomplishes these goals by managing the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in collaboration with local governments, public agencies and other stakeholders. A protected agricultural land base provides opportunities for the expansion of agriculture and other compatible activities, to help achieve economic growth throughout the province. The work of the Commission addresses government goals and the ministry's objectives for promoting economic development while protecting social and environmental values.

In the past year government has achieved its commitment to make the Commission more regionally responsive to community needs by implementing a new structure for the Commission based on six regional panels. It has focused the work of the Commission on agricultural land preservation. And it has passed new legislation to provide the Commission with additional tools to manage the Reserve more efficiently and effectively, in partnership with local governments and other public agencies. The Commission is well poised to continue its work. It is a made-in-BC success story which has contributed to the expansion of the agricultural economy in BC for over 30 years.

This Service Plan details the Agricultural Land Commission's vision, mission and objectives, all of which support government direction. The plan includes performance measures that will be used to assess the Commission's progress in achieving its objectives.

The agriculture industry in British Columbia remains a strong and stable contributor to the provincial economy. A secured land base is a fundamental requirement for the continuing growth of this critical industry. Government supports this growth in order to provide jobs for British Columbians, abundant food and high quality products for export. Government is committed to maintaining the broader public interest in protecting farmlands and to ensuring that sustainable farmlands continue to help build sustainable communities.

Honourable Stan Hagen
Minister of Sustainable Resource Management


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