Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Accountability Statement  
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Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets  
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
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Summary of Related Planning Processes  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

Consistency with Government Strategic Plan

The Agricultural Land Commission's Service Plan responds to government's New Era commitments and to its Strategic Plan.

New Era Commitment achieved in 2002/03:

Increase the regional responsiveness of the Commission to community needs.

The Commission implemented its new structure on May 1, 2002. The Agricultural Land Commission Act, effective November 1, 2002, provided the Commission with new tools and streamlined processes, while maintaining its purpose to protect agricultural land. The Commission is now comprised of six panels based in six regions of the province: Interior, Island, South Coastal, North, Okanagan and Kootenay. The panels meet in their regions monthly and are responsible for decision-making, plan reviews and delegation agreements within their regions. 'Community issue' is defined in the new legislation and provision is made for voluntary dispute resolution where there is disagreement between a local government and the Commission over a community issue.

Government Strategic Plan:

Goal: A strong and vibrant provincial economy

A strong and expanding agriculture industry is fostered through strategies to recognize value added and compatible or complementary economic activity in the Reserve and by reducing the regulatory burden for land use changes at the provincial and local levels.

Goal: Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment

The agricultural land reserve system contributes to this goal by helping to:

  • promote the orderly development of communities, both urban and rural;
  • maintain productive soils in a working landscape; and
  • provide environmental values such as habitat and water conservation functions on farmland.

Objective: British Columbia will have sustainable natural resources

Strategy: Reform the management of the Agricultural Land Commission to better reflect local input

Government changed the structure of the Commission with improved regional representation to better reflect local knowledge and to improve opportunities for local input into decision-making. The Commission has strategies to increase local involvement in decision-making and to encourage local governments to assume authority for more land use decisions in the ALR.

When making decisions, the Commission considers community interests together with the provincial interest in preserving agricultural land and sustaining natural resources.

Ministry Service Plan 2003/04 to 2005/06:

The Commission plan contributes to the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management's vision of "a vibrant economy supporting the social and environmental values of British Columbians."


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