Total |
Adjustments |
Adjusted Total |
50 |
Base Salaries and Overtime
1,616,239 |
1,616,239 |
51 |
Supplementary Salary Costs
25,287 |
25,287 |
52 |
Employee Benefits
810,387 |
(361,941) |
1 |
448,446 |
54 |
Legislative Salaries and Indemnities
8,115 |
8,115 |
Salaries and Benefits
2,460,028 |
(361,941) |
2,098,087 |
55 |
Boards, Commisions, Courts - Fees and Expenses
15,745 |
15,745 |
57 |
Public Servant Travel
61,179 |
61,179 |
60 |
Professional Services
488,660 |
(29,870) |
2 |
458,790 |
63 |
Information Systems - Operating
333,145 |
(170,356) |
3 |
162,789 |
65 |
Office and Business Expenses
85,381 |
85,381 |
67 |
Advertising and Publications
11,618 |
11,618 |
68 |
Statutory Advertising and Publications
6,031 |
6,031 |
69 |
Utilities, Materials and Supplies
443,374 |
443,374 |
70 |
Operating Equipment and Vehicles
126,516 |
126,516 |
72 |
Non-Capital Roads and Bridges
229,813 |
229,813 |
73 |
639,707 |
639,707 |
75 |
Building Occupancy Charges
472,058 |
472,058 |
Operating Costs
2,913,227 |
(200,226) |
2,713,001 |
77 |
Transfers - Grants
795,585 |
795,585 |
79 |
Transfers - Entitlements/Agreements
18,910,776 |
(8,834) |
4 |
18,901,942 |
Government Transfers
19,706,361 |
(8,834) |
19,697,527 |
81 |
Transfer Between Votes and Special Accounts
and Funds
320,646 |
(320,646) |
5 |
83 |
Interest on the Public Debt
2,748,000 |
(850,250) |
6 |
1,897,750 |
85 |
Other Expenses
1,560,506 |
(106,167) |
7 |
1,454,339 |
Other Expenses
4,629,152 |
(1,277,063) |
3,352,089 |
86 |
Recoveries Between Votes and Special Accounts
and Funds
(320,646) |
320,646 |
5 |
88 |
Recoveries Within the Consolidated Revenue Fund
(1,592,095) |
1,527,418 |
8 |
(64,677) |
Internal Recoveries
(1,912,741) |
1,848,064 |
(64,677) |
Gross Operating Expenses
27,796,027 |
27,796,027 |
89 |
Recoveries External to the Consolidated Revenue
(2,240,027) |
(2,240,027) |
Net Operating Expenses
25,556,000 |
25,556,000 |
1 |
Excluding employee benefits in Vote 35 to prevent
double counting of employee benefits. |
2 |
Excluding certain legal services
costs in Votes 14 and 38 to prevent double counting of legal services
costs. |
3 |
Excluding certain information systems
costs in Votes 9, 26 and 34 to prevent double counting of information
systems operating costs. |
4 |
Excluding transfers to health authorities in
Vote 31 to prevent double counting of transfers. |
5 |
Excluding transfers between votes and special
accounts to prevent double counting. |
6 |
Excluding interest costs in Votes 10, 22, 31
and 44 to prevent double counting of interest. |
7 |
Excluding certain banking charges
and supply costs in Votes 26 and 36; certain collection services
costs in Vote 37; and |
certain insurance and risk management
services in the Insurance and Risk Management Special Account to
prevent double counting. |
8 |
Excluding recoveries for costs referred
to in Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 to prevent double counting. |
Total capital expenditures by capital
asset class are disclosed in Schedule D in the 2002/03 Estimates. |