Vote 34 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
672 |
Minister's Office......................................................................... |
478 |
17,022 |
Corporate Services (net of recoveries).......................................... |
16,730 |
306 |
Shared Services (net of recoveries)............................................. |
1,301 |
— |
— Support Services Provision................................................. |
1 |
306 |
— Shared Services Office....................................................... |
1,300 |
4,825 |
Procurement Services and Government House (net of recoveries)... |
4,437 |
438 |
Public Service Appeal Board...................................................... |
438 |
12,103 |
Corporate and Information Programs (net of recoveries)................... |
11,007 |
4,178 |
Corporate Applications (net of recoveries)...................................... |
4,178 |
1 |
Common Information Technology Services (net of recoveries)......... |
1 |
132,696 |
— Services Operations........................................................... |
129,150 |
6,328 |
— Services Support............................................................... |
3,810 |
21,136 |
— Provincial Learning Network................................................ |
22,889 |
4,001 |
— Pacific Technology Resources Society................................. |
4,001 |
(164,160) |
— Information Technology Services Recoveries......................... |
(159,849) |
39,545 |
Total Vote ............................................................ |
38,570 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for operations and programs of the ministry, including: (a) Minister’s Office – This sub-vote provides for the office of the Minister of Management Services, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister's staff. (b) Corporate Services - This sub-vote provides for executive, financial, administrative, human resources, information systems, freedom of information and privacy services, records management, forms management and general services to ministry operations and programs, and to the Office of the Premier, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Provincial Revenue, Public Sector Employers' Council Secretariat, the Insurance and Risk Management Special Account, the Unclaimed Property Special Account, certain officers of the Legislature, other agencies and Minister's Offices for all ministries. Costs are partially recovered from other divisions of the ministry, other ministries, special offices, organizations, agencies and individuals; certain expenses incurred by the Legislature and the Office of the Premier; operation and maintenance costs of the Legislative Buildings; occupancy and related costs for the Executive Council and the Office of the Premier. (c) Shared Services - This subvote provides for the planning and delivery of shared services. (i) Support Services Provision - provides for certain transactional and administrative services to ministries, special offices, officers of the legislature, other agencies, and Special Accounts on a fully cost recovered basis; and (ii) Shared Services Office - provides for the planning required to implement shared services. (d) Procurement Services and Government House - This sub-vote provides for executive direction and procurement services by authority of the Purchasing Commission Act, the development and administration of public sector purchasing policy to stimulate economic activity in the province, and the negotiation and implementation of the procurement chapter of the Agreement on Internal Trade. This sub-vote also provides for the following functions: · Purchasing Commission - provides for a purchasing service, including an electronic bidding system linking government buyers and suppliers; planning, evaluation and consultation to ministries and public sector agencies, and assisting British Columbia businesses in obtaining a larger share of the public sector market. Travel alternatives are investigated and travel information is published on the Internet. In addition, provides for costs on matters pertaining to the government’s light vehicle fleet, including contract management, and policy direction. A portion of the costs are recovered from special offices, ministries and participating bodies. Costs are fully recovered for the provision of direct procurement services for participating public sector agencies; and · Government House - support for the exercise of the Lieutenant-Governor's constitutional responsibilities, and the ceremonial, diplomatic, hospitality and other activities of the Vice-Regal Office; the operation and maintenance of Government House as the official residence and offices of the Lieutenant-Governor; and official functions including support for government-sponsored events. |
Vote 34 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
511 |
324 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
161 |
154 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
672 |
478 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
8,531 |
7,811 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
9,346 |
9,784 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
410 |
400 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(1,046) |
(989) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(219) |
(276) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
17,022 |
16,730 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
203 |
1,879 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
103 |
772 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
— |
(1,350) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
306 |
1,301 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
3,463 |
3,172 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
1,706 |
1,609 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
92 |
92 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(436) |
(436) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
4,825 |
4,437 |
Vote 34 |
(e) Public Service Appeal Board – This sub-vote provides for fees and salaries of the board members and staff, and expenses of the board in the processing and hearing of appeals under the Public Service Act. (f) Corporate and Information Programs - This sub-vote provides an integrated, multichannel service for ensuring and enhancing public access to government programs, services, information and opportunities, while protecting citizen privacy. Costs are partially recovered from ministries, Crown agencies and external organizations for the following activities: · BC Archives - provides for the acquisition and preservation of government and private records of provincial historical significance; development and implementation of policies and procedures to improve public access to government information; storage, retrieval and disposal of records on behalf of government, Crown agencies and external organizations; and administration of the Document Disposal Act; · Corporate Privacy and Information Access Office - provides central agency governance, leadership, direction and support for privacy protection and information access for all levels of government, including responsibility for the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; maintains cross government policies, procedures, standards, guidelines and systems relating to privacy and information access; corporate expertise and assessment tools in support of e-government initiatives; and develops private sector legislation for BC; · BC Stats - provides for the production of economic, social, business and demographic statistical information, data dissemination, and analytical services for government under the Statistics Act; · BC Connects - provides for the co-ordinated operation and management of Government information and service delivery activities to maximize citizen and business access. Initiatives include Enquiry BC, BC Online, Waste Buster and government internet portal operations; and · Corporate and IT Management Library Services - provides information and research services on all topics related to information technology and general management; licences IT industry and other electronic research services for cross-government internet access by all BC government exployees. (g) Corporate Applications - This sub-vote provides for the delivery of cross government initiatives that enable shared, common business applications, special information technology infrastructure projects and information technology security services. Costs may be partially recovered from ministries, special offices, Crown agencies and external organizations. (h) Common Information Technology Services - This sub-vote provides for the delivery of common information technology infrastructure services including: (i) Services Operations - provides for the design, acquisition support and operations management of common information technology infrastructure services; (ii) Services Support - provides for the administration and support of the common information technology infrastructure services; (iii) Provincial Learning Network - provides for the maintenance and enhancement of network infrastructure to support the Provincial Learning Network initiative of the Ministry of Education; (iv) Pacific Technology Resources Society - provides for management and professional services for government employees seconded to private sector companies; and (v) Information Technology Services Recoveries - provides for full recovery of the costs of information technology services from ministries, special offices, Crown agencies and external organizations. |
Vote 34 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
284 |
284 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
154 |
154 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
438 |
438 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
8,186 |
8,026 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
8,521 |
8,715 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
325 |
— |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
1 |
1 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(3,839) |
(5,294) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,091) |
(441) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
12,103 |
11,007 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
3,100 |
2,972 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
1,966 |
2,026 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(46) |
(46) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(842) |
(774) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
4,178 |
4,178 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
30,407 |
31,869 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
133,754 |
127,981 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(145,755) |
(149,155) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(18,405) |
(10,694) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
1 |
1 |
Vote 35 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
11,801 |
Commission Operations (net of recoveries)................................... |
9,271 |
14,201 |
Employee Benefits and Corporate Programs (net of recoveries)....... |
1 |
106,812 |
— Provincial Pensions........................................................... |
111,381 |
5,500 |
— Miscellaneous Statutory Items............................................. |
9,779 |
55,787 |
— Canada Pension................................................................ |
55,031 |
800 |
— Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation............ |
600 |
8,050 |
— Death and Retiring Benefits.................................................. |
2,629 |
36,000 |
— Extended Health and Dental Benefits.................................... |
45,871 |
6,000 |
— Group Insurance................................................................ |
6,603 |
20,860 |
— Medical Services Plan....................................................... |
19,731 |
28,250 |
— Long Term Disability........................................................... |
34,091 |
33,938 |
— Employment Insurance....................................................... |
35,781 |
6,400 |
— Workers' Compensation...................................................... |
6,500 |
1,020 |
— Employee and Family Assistance Program Administration....... |
1,103 |
39,892 |
— Other Benefits.................................................................... |
32,842 |
(335,108) |
— Recoveries....................................................................... |
(361,941) |
26,002 |
Total Vote ............................................................ |
9,272 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for the operation of the commission, including: (a) Commission Operations - This sub-vote provides for activities of the Public Service Employee Relations Commission related to strategic human resource management, labour relations and collective bargaining, including: · negotiation and administration of collective agreements on behalf of government, settlement payments for grievances, other personnel-related settlements, and payment for legal and arbitration services; and · development, implementation and monitoring of human resource policies and programs, government-wide training and development programs, staffing including workforce adjustment, employment equity strategies and programs within the public service, compensation, job evaluation and advisory services on organizational structuring, career planning and transition services, organizational change initiatives, corporate projects, human resource planning and workplace innovation initiatives, policies and programs. Recoveries are received from ministries, special offices and Crown corporations for training and development costs. |
Vote 35 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
8,568 |
6,098 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
6,401 |
6,341 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(3,033) |
(3,033) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(135) |
(135) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
11,801 |
9,271 |
Vote 35 |
(b) Employee Benefits and Corporate Programs ― This sub-vote provides for the employer’s contribution, the management and administration of employee benefits plans and corporate programs, including: (i) Provincial Pensions - provides for employer contributions as required under the Pension (Public Service) Act and retirement benefits; (ii) Miscellaneous Statutory Items - provides for the employer's minor statutory requirements under the Pension (Public Service) Act such as payments for purchase or reinstatement of service; (iii) Canada Pension - provides for employer contributions to the Canada Pension Plan; (iv) Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation - provides for government contributions as required by the Legislative Assembly Allowances and Pension Act; (v) Death and Retiring Benefits - provides for death benefits to nominated beneficiaries of participating pensioners and retirement allowances granted to eligible employees; (vi) Extended Health and Dental Benefits - provides for employer costs for the extended health and dental plan; (vii) Group Insurance - provides for employer costs for the group life insurance plan; (viii) Medical Services Plan - provides for full payment by the employer of employees' medical services plan premiums; (ix) Long Term Disability - provides for employer contributions to the British Columbia Public Service Long Term Disability Fund; (x) Employment Insurance - provides for employer costs for employment insurance premiums; (xi) Workers' Compensation - provides for employer costs of benefits paid to eligible employees by the Workers' Compensation Board; (xii) Employee and Family Assistance Program Administration - provides for counselling services to government employees and their families; (xiii) Other Benefits - provides for severance settlements, other miscellaneous benefits, corporate leave liability, the management and administration of employee benefits plans, and administration of the centralized payroll, leave and personnel information processing and reporting, employee recognition programs and other miscellaneous corporate programs including government wide corporate learning programs. Also provides for the administration of the Provincial Employees Community Services Fund. Government transfers are provided to government employees under employee recognition programs; and (xiv) Recoveries - Recoveries are received from those public bodies which participate in the above plans and, in certain circumstances, from employees. As well, recoveries are received from participating public bodies for employer contributions made on their behalf by government's central pay office. Recoveries are also received from special offices and ministries for pension contributions and retirement benefits, and employee health, insurance and other benefits of employees covered by these plans and receiving these benefits. |
Vote 35 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
352,767 |
366,782 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
13,867 |
15,863 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
24 |
24 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
691 |
550 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(335,108) |
(361,941) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(18,040) |
(21,277) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
14,201 |
1 |
Vote 36 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
19,983 |
20,761 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
10,129 |
12,559 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
62,738 |
62,899 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(73,489) |
(73,245) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(19,360) |
(22,973) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
1 |
1 |