Summary |
$000 |
Estimates 2001/021 |
Vote |
Estimates 2002/03 |
Net |
No. |
Gross |
Recoveries |
Net |
Voted Appropriations |
539,425 |
19 |
Ministry Operations....................................................... |
579,530 |
(44,252) |
535,278 |
11,454 |
20 |
Royal British Columbia Museum..................................... |
15,258 |
(4,254) |
11,004 |
550,879 |
Total Voted Expense ................................... |
594,788 |
(48,506) |
546,282 |
Special Accounts (Statutory Authority) |
2,820 |
First Citizens' Fund....................................................... |
3,398 |
— |
3,398 |
— |
Olympic Arts Fund........................................................ |
280 |
— |
280 |
1,550 |
Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund...................... |
1,726 |
— |
1,726 |
4,142 |
University Endowment Lands Administration.................... |
3,142 |
— |
3,142 |
8,512 |
Total Special Accounts.......................................... |
8,546 |
— |
8,546 |
559,391 |
Total Operating Expense .............................. |
603,334 |
(48,506) |
554,828 |
1,162 |
Fulltime Equivalent (FTE) Employment |
1,107 |
71,329 |
Salaries and Benefits..................................................... |
70,429 |
70,429 |
44,583 |
Operating Costs............................................................ |
43,004 |
43,004 |
493,583 |
Government Transfers................................................... |
488,432 |
488,432 |
314 |
Other Expenses........................................................... |
1,650 |
1,650 |
(181) |
Internal Recoveries....................................................... |
(181) |
(181) |
(50,237) |
External Recoveries...................................................... |
(48,506) |
(48,506) |
559,391 |
Total Expense .............................................. |
603,334 |
(48,506) |
554,828 |
Disbursements |
Receipts |
Net |
— |
Prepaid Capital Advances 2........................................... |
— |
— |
— |
6,990 |
Capital Expenditures 3 .................................................. |
9,575 |
— |
9,575 |
— |
Loan, Investment and Other Requirements 4..................... |
— |
— |
— |
6,990 |
Total ..................................................................... |
9,575 |
— |
9,575 |
1 For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2001/02 expense, FTEs and capital expenditures have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. |
2 Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. |
3 Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. |
4 Details of loan, investment and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. |
Vote 19 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
1,105 |
Ministers' Office......................................................................... |
1,105 |
15,421 |
Corporate Services (net of recoveries).......................................... |
14,551 |
136,506 |
Women's Equality and Social Programs....................................... |
136,506 |
55,144 |
— Women's Services............................................................. |
55,144 |
81,362 |
— Child Care Services.......................................................... |
81,362 |
132,398 |
Housing................................................................................... |
136,563 |
29,444 |
Culture, Heritage and Sport (net of recoveries)............................... |
30,329 |
14,091 |
— Culture and British Columbia Arts Council............................. |
13,978 |
6,792 |
— Heritage............................................................................ |
7,824 |
8,561 |
— Sport................................................................................ |
8,527 |
20,244 |
Government Agents (net of recoveries)......................................... |
21,044 |
20,168 |
Safety and Standards (net of recoveries)....................................... |
21,168 |
19,708 |
Multiculturalism and Immigration Programs |
19,796 |
2,001 |
— Aboriginal Directorate.......................................................... |
2,815 |
17,707 |
— Multiculturalism and Immigration........................................... |
16,981 |
150,350 |
Local Government (net of recoveries)........................................... |
149,800 |
6,337 |
— Local Government Services................................................ |
6,142 |
130,924 |
— Local Government and Library Services Transfers.................. |
136,430 |
8,851 |
— Community Transition and Adjustment................................... |
2,990 |
4,238 |
— University Endowment Lands.............................................. |
4,238 |
8,616 |
BC 2000.................................................................................. |
— |
5,465 |
2010 Winter Olympics Bid Secretariat and Community Social Services................................................................................ |
4,416 |
2,212 |
— 2010 Winter Olympics Bid Secretariat................................... |
2,386 |
3,253 |
— Community Social Services and Vancouver Agreement......... |
2,030 |
539,425 |
Total Vote ............................................................ |
535,278 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for executive direction, operation and delivery of operating and statutory grant programs including: (a) Ministers’ Office – This sub-vote provides for the offices of the Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the minister and the minister’s staff. Also provides for salaries, benefits and allowances for the Minister of State for Community Charter, the Minister of State for Women’s Services and the ministers' staff. (b) Corporate Services – This sub-vote provides for executive direction and administrative services to the operating programs of the ministry including financial administration and budget coordination; strategic and business planning and reporting; information and privacy; records management; personnel administration and support; office management and accommodation; communications; and information systems. Costs are partially recovered from parties external to government for ministry services. (c) Women's Equality and Social Programs – This sub-vote provides for: (i) Women’s Services – provides for the review and research of issues affecting women; participation in federal/provincial discussions and initiatives related to women’s equality goals; the review of government-wide policy proposals and their impact on women; advice to ministries in their review and analysis of existing and proposed government policies, legislation and programs; and the evaluation of related programs and initiatives. Government transfers are made to private and non-profit agencies for the provision of temporary accommodation for women and their children leaving violent homes or relationships; counselling programs for women who have experienced violence and children who have witnessed abuse; employability programs for women who have experienced violence; women’s equity programs; public education and prevention of violence initiatives; and women’s centre services; and (ii) Child Care Services – provides for care policy development and program administration. Government transfers are provided to organizations to support the child care system under the Child Care BC Act. |
Vote 19 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
720 |
731 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
385 |
374 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
1,105 |
1,105 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
8,382 |
8,527 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
7,203 |
6,188 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
151 |
151 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(2) |
(2) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(313) |
(313) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
15,421 |
14,551 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
5,105 |
5,193 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
2,223 |
2,135 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
129,168 |
129,168 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
10 |
10 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
136,506 |
136,506 |
Vote 19 |
(d) Housing – This sub-vote provides for housing programs and building policy development. Government transfers are provided to the British Columbia Housing Management Commission for the protection and enhancement of the supply of adequate and affordable housing, including the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program which provides financial assistance to eligible seniors for shelter costs. Also provides for government transfers on land acquisitions intended for social housing, sold at less than market value by the Crown. In addition, government transfers are provided to the Homeowner Protection Office to support general operations and for assistance provided to individuals under the Provincial Sales Tax Relief Grant Program. (e) Culture, Heritage and Sport – This sub-vote provides for support of cultural, heritage, and sport activities and administration and delivery of government programs under the Arts Council Act, the Heritage Conservation Act, the Cultural Foundation Act and the Klondike National Historic Park Act, and includes:
and British Columbia Arts Council
– provides staff and policy support
for arts and culture under the authority of the (ii) Heritage – provides for the protection, preservation and management of the province’s heritage resources and historic sites including a network of 29 provincial heritage properties. Provides funding and management services to the British Columbia Heritage Trust as required by the Heritage Conservation Act. Provides funding and administration of the community grant programs. Program costs are partially recovered from program revenues; and (iii) Sport – provides for the administration of the Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund Special Account; planning, development and administration of policies and programs in the areas of amateur sport and recreation. Government transfers are provided to amateur sports groups and associations and to various organizations to support sport and recreation services and projects. A portion of operating costs is recovered from the federal government. (f) Government Agents - This sub-vote provides for the operation of Government Agent offices throughout the province providing integrated delivery of programs, services and information on behalf of ministries, agencies, the private sector and other governments. A portion of operating costs is recovered from ministries, participating public bodies and the public. (g) Safety and Standards - This sub-vote provides for public safety programs including the Office of the Fire Commissioner, the establishment of safety standards; inspection services for electricity, natural gas, propane, boiler and pressure vessels, elevating devices, amusement rides, refrigeration systems, aerial tramways, and railways; fire and accident investigations; and the licensing of technical personnel. Government transfers are provided to Local Assistants, as defined by the Fire Services Act, for fires investigated and reported to the Fire Commissioner. Some recoveries are received for ad hoc inspection services. |
Vote 19 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
1,027 |
1,125 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
176 |
178 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
131,195 |
133,960 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
— |
1,300 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
132,398 |
136,563 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
5,547 |
6,013 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
3,441 |
5,212 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
21,541 |
20,189 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(6) |
(6) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,079) |
(1,079) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
29,444 |
30,329 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
14,120 |
14,720 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
6,667 |
6,842 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
113 |
138 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(173) |
(173) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(483) |
(483) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
20,244 |
21,044 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
15,050 |
15,563 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
5,103 |
5,590 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
16 |
16 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1) |
(1) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
20,168 |
21,168 |
Vote 19 |
(h) Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration Programs – This sub-vote includes: (i) Aboriginal Directorate – provides for the coordination of resources and services provided to aboriginal people, support to First Nations' advisory committees and boards including the First Citizen’s Forum, and administration of the First Citizens’ Fund Special Account. Government transfers are made in support of aboriginal issues; for heritage, language and culture programs; aboriginal community development; and intergovernmental policy forums. Recoveries are received from the federal government for costs incurred pursuant to federal/provincial agreements; and (ii) Multiculturalism and Immigration – provides for policy and program development and delivery with respect to multiculturalism and immigration and implementation of the Agreement for Canada-British Columbia Cooperation on Immigration. Government transfers are provided for programs for settlement services for immigrants and for multicultural initiatives. Recoveries are received from the federal government for certain immigrant settlement services and language programs. (i) Local Government – This sub-vote provides for: (i) Local Government Services – provides for the administration of the Local Government Act and the Local Government Grants Act; review and monitoring of local government administrative and financial practices and procedures; support services to local governments including collection and assessment of statistics and information, analysis of water and sewerage construction projects to support government transfers for infrastructure, investigations into local government issues, and community and regional planning; policy research and development on local government and aboriginal issues; and legislative review; and, administration of the Community Charter Council and the Library Act and implementation of policies and programs related to public library services; and (ii) Local Government and Library Services Transfers – provides for government transfer programs to local governments and public libraries in British Columbia and administration costs associated with the programs, as follows: · general and targeted government transfers under the Local Government Grants Act including but not limited to Small Community Protection; Regional District Basic; community, regional and infrastructure planning; infrastructure development; interest costs associated with infrastructure projects completed as part of the pre-1983 sewer and water program; and, assistance with institutional change within the local government system; · water and sewerage facilities and other infrastructure development under the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program agreement. Recoveries are received from the federal government in respect of its share of project costs approved under this program; · local services as provided under the Municipal Aid Act and other assistance to local authorities to finance various projects and services; · Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing; and · government transfers made to public library boards as defined under the Library Act and to various organizations to support library services and projects. (iii) Community Transition and Adjustment – provides financial and other support to rural and resource-based communities in immediate economic crisis for purposes such as incremental social and human services, worker transition and adjustment, economic development, transition planning and other community purposes; and financial support for community enterprise, cooperatives and volunteers; and (iv) University Endowment Lands – provides for the management and operation of the University Endowment Lands. Government transfers are made to the City of Vancouver for the provision of fire protection services. Recoveries represent the transfer of costs associated with services to ratepayers from the University Endowment Lands Administration Special Account. (j) BC 2000 – This sub-vote provided government transfers for province-wide projects to help communities and organizations throughout the province mark the Millennium with lasting legacies. Program eliminated in 2002/03. (k) 2010 Winter Olympics Bid Secretariat and Community Social Services – This sub-vote includes: (i) 2010 Winter Olympics Bid Secretariat – provides for support for the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Bid Secretariat. Government transfers are provided in support of the bid to the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation; and (ii) Community Social Services and Vancouver Agreement – provides programs to support local action to enhance communities’ socio-economic conditions and address structural barriers through, for example, employment, job training and education; and develops and promotes private and public partnerships, and other initiatives identified by community groups. Government transfers are provided to support bridging employment programs such as the Bladerunners youth employment program, as well as urban community development projects and is responsible for the three-year homelessness initiative. The Vancouver Agreement provides for provincial leadership and coordination responsibility for a tri-level agreement (with federal and municipal governments) to promote and support sustainable economic, social and community development in Vancouver with an initial focus on the City’s Downtown Eastside. |
Vote 19 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
4,229 |
3,917 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
2,198 |
2,089 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
37,277 |
35,916 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(23,996) |
(22,126) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
19,708 |
19,796 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
9,041 |
7,052 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
7,024 |
4,645 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
158,677 |
161,495 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(4,142) |
(3,142) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(20,250) |
(20,250) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
150,350 |
149,800 |
BC 2000 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
8,616 |
— |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
1,881 |
1,597 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
945 |
679 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
2,639 |
2,140 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
5,465 |
4,416 |
Vote 20— Special Operating Agency |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
$000 |
11,454 |
Total Vote ............................................................................................................................ |
11,004 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for expenses of the Special Operating Agency which, pursuant to the Museum Act, is responsible for acquiring, securing, preserving, and interpreting artifacts and specimens which illustrate the human and natural history of the province through research, exhibits, public programs, publications and other means. The museum also provides public programs and publications about the cultural and natural environments of British Columbia in a regional, national and international context. Government transfers are provided to assist in research and public programs. Costs for certain programs are partially recovered from program revenues and other organizations. 2002/03 – 2004/05 SERVICE PLAN Business Definition The Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM) is dedicated specifically to the preservation of, and education about, the human and natural history of British Columbia. Its mandate is to fulfill government’s fiduciary responsibilities for public trusteeship of the Provincial collections and exhibits. The mission of the RBCM is to explore and preserve the human and natural history of British Columbia, to inspire curiosity and wonder, and to share our story with the world. The RBCM is committed to its research and education programs, its involvement with public and community stakeholders, and its continuing reputation as one of the world’s best museums. Three complementary objectives are reflected in the mandate and mission: to maintain and disseminate the knowledge that resides in the collection; to be a significant tourist attraction; and to be a place of discovery, scientific study, and education. Core Strategies The following core strategies were developed to enable the RBCM to achieve the required balance between financial sustainability and meeting its obligations to collections, research, and public programs: 1. Financial security through additional and diversified revenue and reduced dependence on government funding; 2. Brand renewal through comprehensive marketing of RBCM products and services; 3. Product renewal through enhanced on-site visitor experiences and regional outreach; 4. Human resources development to assure professional, qualified staff and volunteers; and 5. Increased independence through leadership and changes in governance. |
Vote 20— Special Operating Agency |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
6,227 |
5,991 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
9,162 |
9,016 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
140 |
200 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
40 |
51 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(4,115) |
(4,254) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
11,454 |
11,004 |
Performance Measures |
Actual 2000/01 |
Forecast 2001/02 |
Target 2002/03 |
Target 2003/04 |
Target 2004/05 |
Objective: Become more self-sufficient: |
Total Expenses ($000)................................................ |
17,713 |
15,569 |
15,258 |
14,845 |
14,284 |
Total Revenue ($000) ................................................. |
4,937 |
4,115 |
4,254 |
5,045 |
5,330 |
Net Expense (to Government) ($000)........................... |
12,776 |
11,454 |
11,004 |
9,800 |
8,954 |
Total number of clients served(1) .................................. |
902,492 |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
Earned Revenue as a % of total expenses.................... |
28 |
26 |
29 |
33 |
36 |
Objective: Become more relevant and |
Customer Satisfaction (% excellent or good)(2).............. |
95 |
95 |
95 |
95 |
95 |
Number of BC students attending museum programs...... |
74,318 |
72,000 |
65,000 |
60,000 |
55,000 |
Number of BC Communities participating in programs..... |
176 |
190 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
1. Volume – number of visits and clients is a standard activity measure for all museums. |
2. Customer Satisfaction – museum surveys visitors as they leave exhibits. |
Special Account |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
36,613 |
Total Account Balance at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year ............ |
45,350 |
Operating Transactions |
2,638 |
Revenue................................................................................... |
3,398 |
2,820 |
Expense................................................................................... |
3,398 |
(182) |
(182) |
Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................................. |
— |
— |
(81) |
Difference Between 2001/02 Estimates and
Projected Actual Net |
9,000 |
Transfer from General Fund................................................................ |
9,000 |
45,350 |
Total Account Balance at the End of the Fiscal Year....................... |
54,350 |
SPECIAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION This account was originally created as a fund under the Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, was continued under the Funds Control Act, 1979, and was changed to a Special Account under the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 1988. The account promotes the economic, social and cultural well being of members of First Nations who are residents of British Columbia, by providing financial assistance through loan guarantees and government transfers. Interest attributable to the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of government transfers in support of cultural, educational and economic opportunities including student bursaries, heritage, language and culture programs, native friendship centre operations, and economic development programs. The account also provides funds for the administrative costs of certain social and economic development programs. The account balance is increased by $9 million effective before April 1, 2002 and by $9 million effective on April 1, 2002 and on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. |
Special Account |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
— |
Total Account Balance at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year ............ |
5,000 |
Operating Transactions |
— |
Revenue................................................................................... |
280 |
— |
Expense................................................................................... |
280 |
— |
— |
Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................................. |
— |
— |
5,000 |
Transfer from General Fund................................................................ |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Total Account Balance at the End of the Fiscal Year....................... |
10,000 |
SPECIAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION This account was established under the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 2001. The account promotes the bid for hosting the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in British Columbia or the hosting of those Games. Interest earned on the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of government transfers to groups and organizations for cultural and artistic activities that will promote the bid for the hosting of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in BC or the hosting of those Winter Olympic Games. Administration costs are provided through the Ministry Operations Vote. The initial account balance is established at $5 million. The balance is increased by $5 million effective on April 1, 2002 and on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. |
Special Account |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
22,152 |
Total Account Balance at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year ............ |
27,131 |
Operating Transactions |
1,600 |
Revenue................................................................................... |
1,726 |
1,550 |
Expense................................................................................... |
1,726 |
50 |
50 |
Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................................. |
— |
— |
(571) |
Difference Between 2001/02 Estimates and
Projected Actual Net |
5,500 |
Transfer from General Fund................................................................ |
5,500 |
27,131 |
Total Account Balance at the End of the Fiscal Year....................... |
32,631 |
SPECIAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION This account was originally created as a fund under the Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, was continued under the Funds Control Act, 1979, and was changed to a Special Account under the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 1988. The account promotes the physical fitness of residents of the province and their participation in amateur sport. Interest earned on the account balance is credited to the account as revenue. Expenses consist of government transfers to physical fitness and amateur sport projects, groups and organizations, and awards to individuals. Administration costs are provided through the Ministry Operations Vote. The account balance is increased by $5.5 million effective before April 1, 2002 and by $5.5 million effective on April 1, 2002 and on each subsequent April 1, up to and including April 1, 2004, under the authority of the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act, 2001. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. Spending authority committed represents the endowment of the account, which cannot be spent. |
Special Account |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
14,353 |
Total Account Balance at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year ............ |
13,353 |
Operating Transactions |
3,142 |
Revenue................................................................................... |
3,142 |
4,142 |
Expense................................................................................... |
3,142 |
(1,000) |
(1,000) |
Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................................. |
— |
— |
13,353 |
Total Account Balance at the End of the Fiscal Year....................... |
13,353 |
SPECIAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION This account was established as a Miscellaneous Statutory Account by authority of the University Endowment Lands Administration Act, was continued under the University Endowment Land Act, 1979, and became a Special Account under the Special Appropriations Act, 1982. The account provides for services to residents of the University Endowment Lands. Revenue is derived from University Endowment Lands resident ratepayer contributions, including fees, licenses and property taxes. Other revenue sources (net of direct costs) include land sales and rent from land tenures. Expenses represent the transfer to the Ministry Operations Vote of the ratepayers’ portion of the costs of providing services. No financing transactions are provided for under this account. |