Ministry Overview
The Attorney General is the law officer of the Crown and has a unique role in government as the person who must see that the
administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law. The Ministry of Attorney General fulfills that role and is
responsible in government for law reform, the administration of justice and for providing legal services that ensure lawful
public administration. The Ministry has the dual role of providing leadership to the justice sector and delivering justice
services, either directly or through contracted professionals and agencies.
This Service Plan builds on last year's plan, which highlighted the importance of public confidence. The new plan places a
strong emphasis on justice system transformation, which will require law reform, integration of the criminal justice system,
more collaboration between the justice and social services sector, and greater accessibility to civil and family justice.
The Ministry envisions a justice system with a community-based, citizen-focused approach to problem solving — one that helps
people seek solutions to their legal problems, and contributes to public understanding of, and confidence in, the justice
The Attorney General is also the Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism. To support newcomers, the Ministry designs and
delivers programs and services — including English language training and settlement services — through third-party agencies.
The Ministry also provides funds to communities and organizations to promote multiculturalism and prevent racism. This Service
Plan reflects the Ministry's role in realizing the social and economic advantages of cultural diversity and immigration.
Legislation under the Attorney General's mandate is listed in Appendix A.
Justice System: Vision, Mission, Culture and Values
A province governed by the rule of law with an effective justice system serving all British Columbians.
The Rule of Law
The rule of law is a fundamental principle in a free and democratic society. It guarantees that law is supreme and that the exercise of public power requires a source in some legal rule. It shields individuals from arbitrary action.
We are responsible in government for law reform, for the administration of justice, and for seeing that public affairs are administered in accordance with the law.
Culture and Values
We are dynamic and innovative leaders in justice and public administration with the following operating principles and values.
1. To be performance and service focused.
2. To honour members of the Ministry and support them in their learning and development.
3. To act with professional integrity, independent from interference.
4. To be forthright and strategic.
5. To be collaborative and inclusive within the justice system and with the public that we serve.
6. To adhere to the core values of the British Columbia Public Service, namely integrity, accountability, responsibility,
respect and fostering innovation in providing services.
Independence in the Justice System
A free and democratic society based on the rule of law requires a justice system where decisions are made independently and
free from interference. Justice system participants must act according to law and policy without being improperly influenced
from outside sources or other participants in the system. Perhaps the clearest expression of independence is the independence
of judges, who must be free to adjudicate cases without interference. Similarly, other participants in the justice system,
such as police and Crown counsel, must also make decisions free of interference or control by others. This independence ensures
a fair system. It operates for the benefit of society and not for the participating components of the system.
Equally, the justice system must serve the public interest and be open to public scrutiny to ensure that it does indeed serve
the public interest. Justice system components must work together, recognizing the interdependence of the system without compromising
the core principle of independence.
Multiculturalism and Immigration:
Vision, Mission, Culture and Values
Safe, sustainable and livable communities where immigrants can realize their full potential, racism is eliminated and cultural
diversity is valued and celebrated.
We are responsible in government to meet the settlement needs of immigrants and refugees, to promote multiculturalism and
to eliminate racism.
Culture and Values
We are dynamic and innovative leaders in multiculturalism, immigration and public administration with the following operating
principles and values.
1. To be performance and service focused.
2. To honour members of the Ministry and support them in their learning and development.
3. To act with professional integrity, independent from interference.
4. To be forthright and strategic.
5. To be collaborative and inclusive with our service partners and with the public that we serve.
6. To adhere to the core values of the British Columbia Public Service, namely integrity, accountability, responsibility,
respect and fostering innovation in providing services.