Overview — Core Business Areas

The Office of the Premier's Service Plan goals and objectives establish the management framework within which Government's Strategic Plan is implemented.

Core Business Areas

The Office of the Premier provides leadership in the following areas:

Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat

The Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat worked with all ministries and Crown agencies to ensure that relations with federal, provincial and international governments were advanced for the benefit of British Columbians. In fiscal year 2005/06, $2,543,000 and 25 FTEs1 were dedicated to this business area.

Deputy Ministers' Policy Secretariat

The Deputy Ministers' Policy Secretariat is a corporate resource for Deputy Ministers. The Secretariat works at the direction of the Deputy Ministers' Committees of Natural Resources and the Economy and Social Development to advance key policy initiatives, and works with ministries to ensure policy integration. The Secretariat also assists in developing workplans to implement policies and programs and coordinates and manages government's service planning and strategic planning processes. The Secretariat reports on a functional basis to all Deputy Ministers and on a line basis to the Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy. From September to March of 2005/06, $1,470,000 and 19 FTEs were dedicated to this business area.

Executive and Support Services

The Office of the Premier provides leadership to ministries and Deputy Ministers and establishes the performance plans for Deputy Ministers. The Office also manages key relationships on behalf of the Premier and provides strategic advice, media relations and issues management support directly to the Premier and Cabinet. Cabinet Operations provides on-going administrative support and services for the Cabinet decision-making process and facilitates the effective operations of Cabinet and Government Caucus Committees. In fiscal year 2005/06, $6,651,000 and 66 FTEs were dedicated to this business area.

1  FTE means a Full Time Equivalent position.
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