Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values
The Ministry of Small Business and Revenue was established in June 2005. The ministry incorporates the tax administration and revenue management responsibilities of the former Ministry of Provincial Revenue, and the small business development, regulatory reform and provincial property assessment and appeal process responsibilities from the former ministries of Small Business and Economic Development, and Sustainable Resource Management.
The ministry's mandate is to foster a competitive environment for small business5 and investment in all regions of British Columbia, and provide a centre of excellence in the Province of British Columbia for tax administration and revenue management. The ministry leads regulatory reform across government, and supports the Province's property assessment and appeal processes. Additionally, the Minister is accountable for BC Assessment, which establishes and maintains uniform real property assessments for all property owners in British Columbia.
The ministry is committed to excellence in its customer service, providing all of its services to British Columbians in a fair, efficient and timely manner.
Specifically, the ministry's mandate is to:
- Support the vital role small business plays in all areas of British Columbia's economy by championing small business success in government, and working with other ministries, partners and the small business community to implement strategies and initiatives to support small business start-up and growth.
- Identify and collect amounts owed to government through fair, efficient and effective tax administration and revenue management processes. These revenues support the provision of important government programs such as health care, education, transportation and social services.
- Provide a centre of excellence — streamlined, consolidated tax administration and revenue management services — to other ministries, local governments and other agencies.
- Lead regulatory reform in government, making it easier and more efficient for individuals, small business and industry to access government programs and services, and comply with regulations.
- Provide policy and administrative support to provincial property assessment and review processes to ensure transparent, flexible, fair and equitable service to British Columbia property owners.
5 | A small business is a business operated by a person who is self-employed without paid help or has fewer than 50 employees. Refer to Appendix A for definitions and terms used in this document. |
The Ministry of Small Business and Revenue supports the prosperity of British Columbians through small business growth, effective tax administration and revenue management, and a responsible regulatory system.
6 | The ministry's Vision, Mission and Values were revised to improve clarity during the 2006/07 planning process. The intent of these sections has not changed from that provided in the 2005/06-2007/08 Service Plan. |
The ministry will:
- Work in partnership to promote the success of the small business sector.
- Identify and collect provincial revenue to support government programs and services.
- Continue regulatory reform to improve government programs and services.
The ministry's values guide the organization and its employees in conducting the business of the ministry and achieving its goals. The values of the ministry are reflected in the fairness and customer service principles detailed in the Taxpayer Fairness and Service Code, which guide all ministry staff dealings with customers, partners and stakeholders. The ministry also adheres to the core values of government — integrity, fiscal responsibility, accountability, respect and choice.7 The following demonstrates how the ministry's values are carried into its daily operations.
Values | Philosophy |
Customer Service | We are committed to customer service excellence through responsive, courteous, fair and respectful treatment, and the protection of privacy and confidentiality. |
Accountability | We are committed to serving the public interest, and measuring and reporting on our performance. |
Partnership | We build and support partnerships with organizations, customers and stakeholders to achieve results. |
Professionalism | We act with integrity, consistency and transparency, and maintain high corporate and personal standards. |
7 | Government's core values are: integrity - to make decisions in a manner that is consistent, professional, fair, transparent and balanced; fiscal responsibility - to implement affordable public policies; accountability - to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and the credibility of government; respect - to treat all citizens equitably, compassionately and respectfully; and choice - to afford citizens the opportunity to exercise self-determination. |