Report on Performance

The Office of the Premier leads the public service in working to achieve the Five Great Goals set out in the Government Strategic Plan. The office ensures leadership across government and Crown agencies to promote innovative planning, timely decision-making, effective service delivery, and coordinated intergovernmental relations activities.

The following section compares actual results with planned performance. The two performance plan summary tables summarize goals, objectives, performance measures and targets and provide an overview of the Premier's Office performance. Targets were successfully achieved for all goals set out in the 2005/06 Service Plan Update — September 2005.

Performance Plan Summary Tables

Performance Plan Summary Tables.

Performance Plan Summary Tables.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Performance Measures

Goal 1: Government Strategic Plan implemented
to achieve the Five Great Goals.

Objective 1: Lead the successful development and implementation of Government's Strategic Plan.

To achieve the first goal and objective the target chosen to measure progress was that the Government's Strategic Plan to achieve the Five Great Goals in place to guide public service activities would be updated. This target was successfully achieved by ensuring that: all ministries participated in the development of Government's Strategic Plan; ministries were provided clear direction on products each should deliver; and government priorities were reflected in ministry and Crown agency service plans.

Performance Measure Table

Performance Measure Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Target Met?
Government's Strategic Plan to achieve the Five Great Goals in place to guide public service activities. 2004/05 Strategic Plan in place. Strategic Plan updated. Strategic Plan updated. Achieved.

Goal 2: Ministry and Crown agency activities are aligned and integrated with Government's Strategic Plan.

Objective 2: Guide the successful delivery of ministry and Crown agency mandates by providing direction and resolving issues requiring senior government input.

To measure progress towards achieving the second goal and objective, a target chosen was that ministry and Crown agencies' service plans clearly articulate new priorities. This target was successfully achieved by ensuring that: all ministry service plans were reviewed by Government Caucus Committees to ensure alignment with government priorities; clear direction was given to Deputy Ministers; and the Premier's Office worked with Deputy Ministers, the Executive Council and across government to resolve issues.

A second target for this goal was that all Ministers would have accountability letters in place outlining priority initiatives. The Budget Transparency and Accountability Act requires each Minister to table in the Legislature their service plan for each of the organizations they are responsible for. Service Plans identify major priorities and plans of each ministry and Crown agency. The accountability letter at the beginning of service plans demonstrates each Minister's acceptance of the plan and anticipated outcomes. As a result it was determined that no additional accountability letters are required. The restated performance measure in the 2006/07 Service Plan does not reference Minister's accountability letters as the target is redundant.

Performance Measure Table

Performance Measure Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Target Met?
Ministry and Crown agencies mandate implementation supported. All ministries and Crown agencies have service plans.
All Ministers have accountability letters.
Accountability letters to Ministers in place outlining priority initiatives.
Ministry and Crown agencies' service plans clearly articulate new priorities.
All ministry and Crown agencies' service plans included Ministers' accountability statements. The Ministers' letters and service plans clearly articulate new priorities. Achieved.

Goal 3: Government is successful in achieving its intergovernmental relations objectives.

Objective 3: Lead the development and implementation of government's Intergovernmental Relations Plan.

The target for 2005/06 was to update intergovernmental relations priorities and make progress on key issues. This target was achieved by ensuring that: British Columbia's interests in inter provincial, federal and international issues were coordinated and clearly communicated; British Columbia's objectives with other governments and international organizations were advocated, with a special focus on Asia Pacific and the Pacific Northwest; work was undertaken with federal ministers to improve the level of federal funding and investment in B.C.; and work continued with Alberta to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and programs for residents of the two provinces.

Highlights of achievements are:

  • Agreement was reached with the federal government and Aboriginal people including First Nations in November 2005 for a ten-year Transformative Change Accord and Kelowna Agreement to close the socio-economic gap in health, education, housing, and economic opportunity;
  • The Government of Canada committed to invest $591 million in the Pacific Gateway;
  • Proposals on the national transportation strategy and on post-secondary education and skills training were advanced to the federal government through the Council of the Federation; and
  • The Government of Canada agreed to address the disparity between immigration funding for British Columbia and the funding provided to Ontario.

The Premier, Ministers and Deputy Ministers also met with their federal counterparts to advance British Columbia's interests in the areas of:

  • 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games;
  • approved destination status for tourists from China;
  • regulatory improvements in transportation;
  • life sciences research;
  • a more equitable distribution of federal spending and benefits;
  • First Nations;
  • policy changes and federal commitment to a national transportation strategy; and
  • a national training strategy.

British Columbia continued to build relationships with bi-national regional organizations like the Pacific North West Economic Region (PNWER), the Council of State Governments (West), the Can Am Border Trade Alliance and the International Trade and Mobility Corridor.

Performance Measure Table

Performance Measure Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Target Met?
Intergovernmental relations objectives are achieved. Intergovernmental Relations Plan in place. Intergovernmental relations priorities updated, progress on key issues: First Nations, Pacific Gateway investments; policy changes and federal commitment to a national transportation strategy; national training strategy; and immigration. Progress was made on all of the key issues identified in the 2005/06 Office of the Premier Service Plan. Target Achieved.

Goal 4: The public service is well positioned to deliver government programs for British Columbians.

Objective 4: Lead the public service and ensure a Human Resources Plan is in place.

The 2005/06 targets for this goal and objective were to ensure that Employee Performance and Development Plans (EPDPs) were in place for all Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers and that the Human Resources Plan was updated.

The Employee Performance and Development Plans (EPDPs) for Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers were replaced with Deputy Ministers' Performance and Evaluation Management Letters (PEMLs). Each Deputy Minister and Associate Deputy Minister had a PEML in place in 2005/06.

During the year each ministry's workforce statistics and current and anticipated human resource needs were identified. Analyses included consideration of retention, recruitment, compensation, leadership development, recognition, attrition, workforce adjustment and retirement initiatives. This information was used to inform the development of a new Public Service Human Resources Plan.

Performance Measure Table

Performance Measure Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Target Met?
Implement new Public Service Human Resources Plan. 2004/05 Corporate Human Resource Plan in place. EPDPs in place for all Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers.
Human Resources Plan updated.
PEMLs in place for all Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers.
Human Resources Plan developed.
Target Achieved.

Goal 5: Cabinet and Cabinet Committees are able to make timely and well informed decisions.

Objective 5: Support Cabinet and Government Caucus Committee.

The target for this objective was to have 100 per cent of ministry service plans and major policies, programs and initiatives reviewed by Government Caucus Committees and the Deputy Ministers' Committee on Natural Resources and the Economy, or Deputy Ministers' Committee on Social Development, to ensure alignment with government strategic priorities. Government Caucus Committees reviewed and provided advice to ministries and Cabinet regarding ministry service plans and key policy, program and legislative initiatives. Administrative support was provided for the operations and decision-making process of Cabinet and its committees by Cabinet Operations Staff.

Performance Measure Table

Performance Measure Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Target Met?
Government receives timely and effective advice. 2004/05 Strategic Plan and 2004/05 ministry and Crown agencies' service plans in place. 100 per cent of ministry service plans and major policies, programs and initiatives reviewed by Government Caucus Committees and DMCNRE or DMSCD to ensure alignment with government strategic priorities. 100 per cent of ministry service plans and major policies, programs and initiatives reviewed by Government Caucus Committees and DMCNRE or DMSCD. Alignment with government strategic priorities ensured. Target Achieved.


The Office of the Premier continues to support ministries and Crown agencies as they strive for improvements in regulatory systems, to make it easier for businesses and citizens to live and work in British Columbia. The Regulatory Reform initiative has a target of no net increase in the number of regulations and reviews of key service delivery areas to streamline legislation and regulation.

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