Appendix B: Glossary of Terms

Caseload — The number of family units receiving temporary, disability or supplementary assistance.

Disability Assistance — Financial assistance provided to eligible persons who have been designated as meeting the criteria of a Person with Disabilities, as defined in the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act.

Earned Income — Any money or value received in exchange for work or the provision of a service (this includes stipends provided to clients for their participation in volunteer positions designed to build employment skills).

Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal — Agency that administers the appeal panel process. Its role begins when a Notice of Appeal is received from the appellant. At that point, the ministry operates at 'arm's length' from the tribunal process, and is simply one of the parties to the appeal.

Employment Plan — A document that initiates discussion between the client and the ministry and supports employment planning and successful client outcomes. This is a mandatory requirement for most clients with employment-related obligations.

Employment Programs — Programs targeted toward employment and job readiness established or funded under the Employment and Assistance Act and the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act.

Employment-related Obligations — The ministry's expectation that a client will seek work, based upon individual ability.

Employment Strategy for Persons with Disabilities (ESPD) — A strategy designed to assist persons with disabilities to participate in employment-related activities to the best of their ability. The strategy recognizes that individuals experience disabilities in varying degrees, at different stages of their lives, and provides flexibility for those who want to volunteer or work full-time, part-time, or be self-employed.

Income Assistance — Financial assistance provided to eligible persons under the Employment and Assistance Act.

Persons with Disabilities — People meeting the criteria as set out in the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act.

Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers — People with multiple barriers to employment are those who meet the criteria as set out in the Employment and Assistance Regulations.  Examples of multiple barriers are literacy issues, limited education and work experience, long-term dependence on assistance and medical conditions that preclude or impede employment. 

Reconsideration — When a client disagrees with a ministry decision, the client may request a review of the decision. The process involves a written request, which is reviewed by a Reconsideration Adjudicator who makes a new decision. If the client does not agree with that decision, the matter may proceed to the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.

Supplementary Assistance — Supplementary Assistance addresses pressing needs, such as health assistance, senior's supplement and bus passes.

Temporary Assistance — Short-term financial assistance provided to eligible persons, including Expected to Work clients and Children in the Home of a Relative, as defined in the Employment and Assistance Act.

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