Introduction to the Annual Service Plan Report

In September 2005 the government of British Columbia released the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands which incorporates the service plan for the Integrated Land Management Bureau.

The updated service plan reflects the Ministry's new mandate following the provincial election in May 2005. Specifically:

  • the mandate was expanded to include Crown land administration functions (as they relate to the Land Act) and Crown contaminated sites management;
  • responsibility for management of wild fisheries in B.C. shifted to the Ministry of Environment; and
  • the Integrated Land Management Bureau was established to provide client services to the public and other government agencies involved in utilizing and managing Crown land and natural resources.

This annual service plan report communicates achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Integrated Land Management Bureau as they relate to commitments made in the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update. It is divided into two parts: (A) Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, and (B) Integrated Land Management Bureau.

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