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Report on Resources

The table below indicates resource utilization for the Treaty Negotiations Office by core business area for 2004/05.

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other Authorizations Total Estimated Actual Variance (Actual minus Total Estimated)2
Operating Expenses ($000)
Negotiations3 17,158 0 17,158 18,495 1,337
Treaty Settlement and Implementation4 4,704 0 4,704 2,205 (2,499)
Economic Development5 7,042 0 7,042 5,333 (1,709)
Total 28,904 0 28,904 26,033 (2,871)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Negotiations6 88 0 88 102 14
Total 88 0 88 102 14
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Negotiations7 331 0 331 2 (329)
Total 331 0 331 2 (329)
Capital Plan ($000)
By Core Business (and Purpose) 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0
Treaty Settlement and Implementation Costs8          
Receipts 0 0 0 0 0
Disbursements 16,967 0 16,967 $1,692 ($15,275)
Net Cash Source (Requirements) (16,967) 0 (16,967) ($1,692) $15,275
Total Receipts 0 0 0 0 0
Total Disbursements 16,967 0 16,967 $1,692 ($15,275)
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) (16,967) 0 (16,967) ($1,692) $15,275

1 Estimated amounts correspond to the Estimates presented to the Legislature on February 17, 2004.
2 Variance display convention has been changed this year to be consistent with the change introduced in public accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual" minus "Total Estimates". Where the Actual is greater the Variance is displayed without brackets.
3 The Negotiations budget experienced a variance due to a one-time increase in resourcing announced by government in September 2004.
4 Treaty Settlement and Implementation budget experienced a variance due to the McLeod Lake Band's decision not to harvest timber and a reduction in payments required for Nisga'a Final Agreement costs.
5 Economic Development budget experienced a variance due to First Nations choosing not to proceed with previously planned projects.
6 Number of FTEs experienced a variance due to additional resources utilized to fast track negotiations as announced by government in September 2004.
7 Ministry Capital Expenditures experienced a variance due to capital projects not proceeding as planned.
8 Other Financing Transactions experienced a variance due to a reduced requirement for the acquisition of land for treaty settlements and lower than anticipated payments required for the Nisga'a Final Agreement.


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