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Highlights of the Year

Apr. 20 Introduction of Bill 19, the Education Services Collective Agreement Amendment Act, brought consistency to 60 local contracts and the master agreement covering teachers in British Columbia.

Apr. 28 Introduction of Bill 37, the Health Sector (Facilities Subsector) Collective Agreement Act, protected patient care by ending the labour dispute impacting hospitals, and requiring employees to immediately return to work.

May 2 Government reached an agreement to end the Facilities Bargaining Association dispute, providing enhanced severance entitlement to healthcare workers impacted by contracting out.

May 3 Government initiated Phase One of the Human Resource Strategy, gathering an inventory of government programs, policies and initiatives that contribute to labour market development, and provide information on effective strategies for staff recruitment, retention and development.

May 18 A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the BC film industry to work co-operatively to address issues around the employment of young performers.

May 26 A Nurses' Framework Agreement was reached, where Nurses agreed to a two-year contract extension with no wage increase and a plan to jointly address some human resource policy issues, serving as a positive example for other health professionals on reaching an agreement without disruption of care to patients.

June 1 The Don Munroe report was released, striking a balance to ensure a future for the 10,000 workers in the coastal forest industry and their families along the coast of British Columbia, while maintaining the ability of industry to compete in the world economy.

June 10 A framework agreement was reached with 13,000 paramedical workers that maintained current wages and benefits for another two years. The framework allows employers and workers to move forward together in their efforts to achieve sustainable health care for British Columbians into the future, and ensured British Columbians receive the health care they need without any disruptions to the system as a result of a labour stoppage.

June 16-22 A print advertising campaign informed potential employers about rule changes that ensure the protection of young people in the work force.

June 30 A farm labour contractor direct deposit requirement was regulated in order to protect vulnerable agriculture workers, and foster better working relationships in healthy, dynamic work environments.

July 9 Positive economic indicators in labour force and increased housing starts demonstrated a revitalized economy. Indicators revealed that the combination of stronger than expected employment growth, increased immigration, and rising consumer confidence fueled housing markets across British Columbia.

Aug. 1 The Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT) marked a significant milestone in achieving a 47.3 per cent reduction of the appeal backlog from the previous year.

Aug. 16 Work continued toward development of a new collective bargaining model for teachers and their employers as the commissioner, Don Wright, provided school employers and the union with a discussion paper outlining various alternatives to the current bargaining structure.

Aug. 27 The Minister of Skills Development and Labour released a Labour Day message acknowledging the contribution of those who worked for positive change in the workplace, and stressing the need to make workplaces safer.

Oct. 8 Responding to the growing employment opportunities in oil and gas exploration, the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour worked with Ministry of Energy and Mines and drilling companies, to hold a series of job fairs on Vancouver Island to promote hiring British Columbians to fill more jobs in the oil and gas sector.

Oct. 18 Mediator-Arbitrator Vince Ready finalized the collective agreement for the BC Ferry and Marine Workers' Union and BC Ferry Services Inc., providing for an extended period of labour stability leading up to 2010.

Nov. 4 Government worked in partnership with the BC Forest Safety Council to implement the BC Faller Training Standard and Certification Program, which is designed to minimize dangers faced by tree fallers. All tree fallers will be required to meet a certification standard by July 31, 2005.

Dec. 16 The Don Wright Report delivered recommendations for collective bargaining between teachers and school employers.

Jan. 8 Job growth in December capped another great year, with an additional 17,300 new jobs and the unemployment rate dropping to 6.1 per cent. British Columbia accounted for half of all the new jobs created in Canada in December, and the monthly unemployment rate fell to its lowest point since June 1981.

Jan. 19 The British Columbia Forest Safety Council initiated a three-year Training and Certification Program for tree planters, to reduce injuries and accidents, and improve health and safety practices in the Province's silviculture sector.

Feb. 7 Mediator Vince Ready was appointed to help wrap up outstanding recommendations around labour relations issues in the B.C. film industry that arose from the Tysoe Report delivered in February 2004.

Feb. 8 Government facilitated resolution of a labour dispute between parties at BC Place, and assisted in the resolution of a labour dispute involving six post secondary institutions and their unionized support staff.

Feb. 11 Following extensive consultation with the oil and gas sector, changes were implemented in the Employment Standards Regulation affecting oil and gas well exploration and servicing workers who are paid on a salary-plus-bonus system. Changes relate to how these occupations are identified and how bonuses are paid.

Feb. 28 Implementation of Bill 21, the Crown Counsel Agreement Continuation Act, provided a 13 per cent wage increase for Crown prosecutors in 2006, recognizing the valuable job government lawyers provide for the public.

Mar. 31 As of March 31, 97 public sector collective bargaining agreements had been concluded within the current mandate for three years of no net increases in compensation.


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