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Report on Resources

This Resource Summary outlines the estimated and actual expenditures and Full-Time Equivalent Staff (FTE) for each of the ministry's core business areas. This summary does not include the resources of the Crown Agencies, Boards or Commissions that report to the Minister of Energy and Mines.

In addition to the ministry's approved Estimates budget of $63.790 million, the ministry received $11.207 million in funding from the Contingencies Vote to cover costs of the following activities: Treaty 8 negotiations, remediation of orphan wells, additional mine health and safety inspections, promotion of mineral opportunities for First Nations, additional geoscience activity, resource revenue sharing agreements and the Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement.

Operating Expenses excludes $2.0 million made available through the Northern Development Initiative Trust Act for Fuel Cells Canada. Through the Supplementary Estimates process, MEM also received $25.0 million to cover a grant to Geoscience B.C.

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other Authorizations Total Estimated Actual Variance (Actual minus Total Estimated)3
Operating Expenses ($000)
Oil and Gas 20,970 1,600 22,570 18,221 (4,349)
Mining and Minerals 7,868 25,000 32,868 34,396 1,528
Electricity and Alternative Energy 1,134 0 1,134 1,673 539
Executive and Support Services 5,258 831 6,089 8,371 2,282
Contracts and Funding Arrangements2 28,560 8,776 37,336 37,336 0
Total 63,790 36,207 99,997 99,997 0
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Oil and Gas 86 0 86 71 (5)
Mining and Minerals 93 0 93 97 4
Electricity and Alternative Energy 12 0 12 11 (1)
Executive and Support Services 51 0 51 41 (10)
Contracts and Funding Arrangements 0 0 0 0 0
Total 242 0 242 220 (22)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Oil and Gas 471 0 471 105 (366)
Mining and Minerals 1,026 0 1,026 579 (447)
Electricity and Alternative Energy 0 0 0 0 0
Executive and Support Services 310 0 310 131 (179)
Contracts and Funding Arrangements 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,807 0 1,807 815 (992)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Columbia Basin Accord Disbursements3 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2004/05 Estimates. Schedule A of the 2004/05 Estimates, presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  Contracts and Funding Arrangements includes: An annual payment for three years to reflect the province's obligations under the Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement; revenue sharing agreements; and expenditures associated with the Columbia Basin Trust.
3  2006 is the final year the Province is required to provide $50 M under the Columbia Basin Accord as an investment in Columbia Power Corporation and the Columbia Basin Trust. This money is to finance power projects on a joint venture basis.

Explanations and Comments

Total Capital expenditures for 2004/05 were $815,000 and included:

  • $67,000 for specialized equipment (primarily for Mining and Minerals);
  • $10,000 for office furniture;
  • $125,000 for vehicles (part of MEM's leased fleet vehicle renewal plan and including lease of a hybrid vehicle to be shared with other ministries);
  • $613,000 for info systems (primarily for substantial completion of the Mineral Titles Online System);

The final year for financing transactions pursuant to the Columbia Basin Accord will be 2005/06.


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