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Message from the Minister and Accountability Statement  
Highlights of the Year  
Environmental Assessment Office Role and Services  
Report on Performance  
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Used  
Appendix B: Certified Projects from April 1, 2004 March 31, 2005  
Appendix C: Projects in the Review Process from April 1, 2004 March 31, 2005  
Appendix D: Projects in the Pre-application Stage from April 1, 2004 March 31, 2005  
Appendix E: Amendments to Projects from April 1, 2004 March 31, 2005  

British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office  

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Report on Resources

The past year the Environmental Assessment Office experienced budget pressure from a significant increase in the volume of reviewable projects. Internal and external recoveries associated with project reviews helped ensure the Environmental Assessment Office met its operating expenses. To be consistent with the change introduced in public accounts, the variance column has been changed this year. Variance is now calculated as "Actual" minus "Total Estimated". If the "Actual" is greater, then the variance will be displayed as a positive number.

2004/05 Resource Summary

Core Business Areas Estimated Other
Total Estimated Actual Variance (Actual Minus Total Estimated)
Operating Expenses ($000)
Major Project Environmental Assessments 2,897 0 2,897 2,834 (63)
Corporate Operations1 Rolled into core business item 1
Total 2,897 0 2,897 2,834 (63)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
FTEs 29 0 29 26 (3)
Total 29 0 29 26 (3)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Corporate Operations 70 0 70 51 (19)
Total 70 0 70 51 (19)

1  The Environmental Assessment Office has one main core function. To increase process efficiency, corporate operations was rolled into the major project environmental assessment core business area.

Explanations and Comments

Operating Expenditures

In addition to its base budget allocation of $2.897 million, the Environmental Assessment Office received $570,000 from other government and outside-government sources in order to cover costs associated with several large infrastructure projects that were under review in the fiscal year 2004-2005. The EAO managed its work load within this combined budget, leaving approximately two per cent unspent. During 2004/05 the Environmental Assessment Office experienced some delays in filling vacated positions and consequently operated below its FTE allotment for the year. The Environmental Assessment Office was actively recruiting to fill its vacant positions by the end of the fiscal year.

Capital Expenditures

Improvements to the electronic Project Information Centre operating system were deferred to future years in order to modify the system based on user feedback.


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