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Appendix 2: Glossary of Terms

ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR): an option for resolving family differences instead of going through the court system. Examples include family group conferencing and mediation.

CHILD CARE: refers to the care and supervision of a child in a child care setting, other than: a) by the child's parent; or, b) while the child is attending an educational program provided under the School Act or the Independent School Act.

CHILD-IN-CARE OR CHILDREN-IN-CARE: refers to any child under 19 years of age in the care of the Director under the Child, Family and Community Services Act.

CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: refers to children with a broad range of needs. Some of the children have a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, but many do not. Those noted as "substance exposed" are generally mild to moderately exposed, based on birth family history information.

DELEGATED AGENCIES: refers to Aboriginal agencies with delegated child welfare authority under the Child, Family and Community Services Act .

FAMILY DEVELOPMENT RESPONSE (FDR): an alternative to child protection investigations that focuses on parental involvement, assessing a family's strengths and risks, and providing services as required by the child and family. These may include parenting programs, anger management, counselling, mental health and other services.

HIGH-RISK YOUTH: refers to youth that are at risk of being sexually exploited, addicted to drug(s) or alcohol, living on the street, or have a mental health problem.

SAFE CARE: refers to the provision of brief periods of involuntary care to protect commercially sexually exploited youth and to develop a plan for voluntary community supports and services.

SEXUALLY EXPLOITED YOUTH: refers to a person under the age of 19 who has been manipulated or forced to engage in sexual activity in exchange for money, drugs, food, shelter or other considerations.

SUPPORTED CHILD DEVELOPMENT (previously referred to as supported child care): a range of consulting and support services that support children with special needs, ages birth up to 12 to be included in regular child care settings.


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