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Report on Resources

Overall, the ministry spent $468,408,000, compared to a total estimated budget of $469,609,000. The ministry was $1,201,000 under its estimated budget, a difference of 0.3 per cent. Forty-four per cent of the ministry budget supported the Local Government Department, followed by 35 per cent for Housing, Building and Safety. Ninety-two per cent of these funds were transfers to local governments and BC Housing.

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual Variance (Actual minus Total Estimated)3
Operating Expenses ($000)
Local Government2 97,464 112,951 210,415 208,102 (2,313)
Housing, Building and Safety 160,718 6,500 167,218 165,511 (1,707)
Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration2 14,552 2,060 16,612 20,884 4,272
Women's and Seniors' Services 210,123 (172,777) 37,346 37,162 (184)
Executive and Support Services 11,406 (493) 10,913 9,644 (1,269)
Transfer to Royal British Columbia Museum4 12,105 12,105 12,105 0
Northern Development Initiative Trust Act5 15,000 15,000 15,000 0
Total 506,368 (36,759) 469,609 468,408 (1,201)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Local Government 111 111 118 7
Housing, Building and Safety 55 1 56 55 (1)
Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration 63 63 69 6
Women's and Seniors' Services 29 29 28 (1)
Executive and Support Services 82 82 84 2
Total 340 1 341 354 13
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Local Government 90 90 9 (81)
Housing, Building and Safety 65 65 71 6
Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration 355 355 387 32
Women's and Seniors' Services 150 150 294 144
Executive and Support Services 250 250 44 (206)
Total 910 0 910 805 (105)

1  Other Authorizations are $66,000,000 in Supplementary Estimates, $54,267,000 and 1 FTE in Contingency Access and $15,000,000 in Statutory Appropriation under the Northern Development Initiative Trust Act.
2  Includes Special Accounts.
3  Variance display convention has been changed this year to be consistent with the change introduced in public accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual" minus "Total Estimates". Where the Actual is greater the Variance is displayed without brackets.
4  For information on the Royal British Columbia Museum, please see the Royal British Columbia Annual Service Plan Report at
5  Statutory expenditure under the Northern Development Initiative Trust Act.

Explanations and Comments

Under expenditure of $1.2 million is due to a statutory appropriation for the University Endowment Lands Special Account. This appropriation is a result of increased public works costs and accommodation costs associated with the suspended sale of the University Golf Course. Cost pressures in some departments in the ministry were offset by cost savings in other departments. The ministry FTE variance can be largely attributed to additional service delivery requirements for the following initiatives/programs:

  • Premier's Task Force on Community Opportunities (Local Government)
  • New Deal on Communities and Cities (Local Government)
  • BC Community Water Improvement (Local Government)
  • Provincial Nominee Program (Aboriginal, Multiculturalism and Immigration)

(Staffing costs for the Provincial Nominee Program are recovered through application fees).

Capital Expenditures and Financing Transactions

Capital spending by core business reflects changing information technology priorities within the ministry during the fiscal year. The capital expenditures were primarily for new information management systems for Multiculturalism and Immigration and Women's Services. The former system tracks the performance of and payments to contractors, who deliver language training to immigrants; this furthers the core business objective of maximizing the social and economic benefits of immigrants. The latter system tracks the performance of and payments to contractors, who provide shelter to women who have experienced abuse, and their children; this furthers the core business objective of addressing the unique needs of women. Overall, the variance is due to lower than anticipated spending for contracted services.


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